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"darkness: the definition of darkness is the absence of light. You can not see darkness. Darkness can not exist with light. Darkness can not be explained. Darkness only comes when everything else is gone. Darkness is nothing... then darkness is everything." - Unknown

     A hand shoved me forward roughly and I turned around and snapped.

"Back off!" I growled.

The lost boy's face which was hung with black greasy hair sneered and he drew back his hand as if to slap me. I stepped back, waiting to be struck, but a hand grabbed his before he could swing.

"Not yet." It was the tall boy who seemed to be in charge.

"But Felix, she-" He tried to argue.

"Not. Yet. You don't want me to inform Pan that you disobeyed orders do you Shawn?" There was a definite threat to his question.

Shawn's face paled and he dropped his arm immediately.

"I didn't think so." Chuckled Felix, amused by how the boy cowarded at the mention of Pan.

He turned to me, his eyes raked me up and down, which made me shift uncomfortably. They had taken my sword and my dagger, and patted me down for anything else, their hands lingered a little longer than they should of and they searched a bit too thoroughly. Hook was right about them not getting girls here. I was surrounded by a bunch of hormonal teenage boys who could do worse than just kill me.

"We wouldn't want to damage the goods, would we boys?"

That earned a round of cat calls and laughter.

My cheeks flamed and a rush of fury flooded me.

"You're sick." I spat at him.

He made a mocking shocked expression and smiled deviously, stepping forward.

"Look at the mouth on you, that tongue of yours will do you no good here, girl." He warned.

I glowered at him and then glanced at Wyatt who was watching me carefully.

"Let it go, Aries." Wyatt said.

"I'd listen to your friend if I were you," Felix snarked.

Suddenly I was shoved forward again.

"Keep moving." The lost boy beside me snarled.

I bit down on my tongue and kept a strict lock on all my muscles so I wouldn't spin around and attack him. Even though my hands were bound with rope that bit into my skin, I could still head butt the shit out of him. These lost boys were really starting to push my buttons. They continued to lead us deeper into the forest, poking us with their spears and urging us to go faster.

"So, you're taking us to your camp?" I asked bitterly.

"You got a problem with that?" one of them snapped, putting the tip of his knife dangerously close to my jugular.

"No, no. Just making sure we're on the same page."

He lowered the dagger, or should I say my dagger and gave me a knowing smirk.

"You're our guest of honor, sweet heart. Pan's looking forward to meeting you."

I continued to walk, he was gripping my elbow hard enough to leave bruises.

"Is he now?" I ask boredly.

"Oh, yeah, you see we don't get a whole lot of girls on Neverland."

"I wonder why," I snided sarcastically.

Instead of getting angry at my remark, he snickered, finding it humorous.

Violent Delights and Violent Ends ( a Peter Pan OUAT Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now