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"When you find yourself in darkness, with just the thoughts your mind invents, is it scarier to have them at all, or that they're making sense?" - E.H

The boy in front of me couldn't be more than 17, my age. His blonde hair hung messily around his face and his dark eyes were nearly all pupil with fear. He looked just as surprised to see me as I was to see him.

"Who are you?" I demanded again, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I asked first," He said, glaring right back at me.

"Actually, it was a tie and I'm the one with the sword here, so I think I have the upper hand."

We stared at each other for a few moments, challenging the other to make a move to attack. His shoulders slouched in defeat and he frowned.

"Wyatt. My name is Wyatt."

I looked him over clearly. He looked like shit. There were leaves and twigs tangled in his locks, his pale face was covered in dirt and he had a cut on his cheek which was smeared with dried blood. His clothes were torn and beyond filthy, and his eyes were guarded like he expected me to swing and decapitate him at any second. Looks like he had a run in with Neverland's welcoming committee.

I lowered my sword slowly and sheathed it back in it's hoilster, he let out a breath and visibly relaxed.

"I'm Aries." I said, I paused "You look like you've been through Hell."

He gave a bitter laugh, "That's an understatement."

"You know where you are?" I asked uncertainly, he was dressed like a normal teen, jeans and some long sleeve with a logo I couldn't read through the mud and grime that caked the fabric. Poor guy looked like he'd been through a mud slide and was in desperate need of a bath.

"Yeah, this is Neverland right?"

"Wait, you know about Neverland?"

He sighed, "I had no idea where I was at first, I just kind of fell through and ended up here and then these guys showed up, talking about the island and Neverland and Pan and that there was a price to pay for trespassers and some other weird shit. I just put two and two together, I didn't know this place actually existed."

"So, you met the lost boys...." I whispered in disbelief. How was this guy still alive?

"Uh huh, and they're not looking to make friends."

I shook my head and was about to say something else when a shout rang out through the barren trees.

"They went this way!"

Uh oh. My mind froze and my heart literally stopped. They're coming.

"Well, we're dead." Wyatt mumbled beside me.

I snapped out of my state and turned to him and grabbed him by the shoulder forcing him forward.

"What are you waiting for idiot? Run!" I nearly screamed.

He obeyed and we raced as fast as we could through the trees, my ankle which I might have sprained protested and I fought through the pain. It was unnaturally quiet besides the sound of our labored breathing, and our footsteps snapping sticks and rustle of bushes and the heavy thudding of my heart.

We were still being chased, more yells of primal enjoyment and the crunch of multiple feet echoed through the forest as they hurried to catch us.

I was so into running and going too fast that when Wyatt skidded to a halt right in front of me and I slammed into his back and nearly fell on my ass if he didn't grab my arm, steadying me. We were in a small clearing, a few trees stood in the middle and Wyatt pointed to the tallest.

Violent Delights and Violent Ends ( a Peter Pan OUAT Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now