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That night I slept restlessly, haunted by terrible images as my once pleasant dreams morphed into gruesome nightmares. Pan smiling at me sweetly and then slashing Wyatt's throat and I stared in horror as he licked the slick, dark blood off his dagger. Felix stalking me through the dark forest, whistling an unknown tune as I ran through the underbrush trying to lose him but he was always to close on my trail for comfort. Peter crushing his lips to mine and then turning without a word, walking away from me, the urge to be with him too strong so I follow to catch up, but no matter how hard I try he was always farther ahead than me. Just out of my reach. No matter how loud I scream for him he never stops walking. Fragmented pictures flash through my mind at an alarming rate: a mermaid cut in half, her human portion reaching out for me with long talons as she stares up at me with dead fish eyes. Peter walking alongside me on the beach, whistling the same song Felix had as he watched me with amusement, a smirk on his face, and then a far off view of Neverland engulfed in flames.

All throughout my dreams Killian's words echo, "he may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon."

I am woken with a shock as I feel someone shaking me back into reality. I lurch upright, screaming and gasping for air, my heart thundering in my chest as I look around frantically, terrified. Peter was over me, his brows creased in confusion as he watched me with uncertainty. My body was shaking from fear, every muscle quivering from my horrifying visions. Wyatt pushed Pan out of the as he knelt by the bed, taking my hand in his.

"Aries, are you okay? What the hell was that?" He asked me worridly, eyes wide with concern.

I looked around my room as I tried to gather my thoughts and come back to the real world. Pan was still staring at me intently with an unreadable expression and Felix was leaning against the doorway, chewing on jerky and grinning evily from ear to ear.

"Why are you all in my bedroom?" I choked out, my throat felt hoarse.

Wyatt looked over his shoulder and then back to me.

"You were screaming. Woke us all up. I thought you were being murdered, even when we tried to wake you, you still kept screaming hi-" He stopped his explanation quickly, almost scared to tell me.

"What? What was I yelling?" I asked, now I was curious about what I'd been shrieking about.

"My name."

I looked up at Peter who was still scrutinizing me with emerald eyes.

"I was?" My face heated up with blush as I quickly looked down at my hands, embarrassed.

The whole entire camp must have heard me.

"Indeed you were." Felix jeered.

I shrank into my covers attempting to hide my bright, red cheeks, looking everywhere but at Peter. God, why did it have to be his name I was calling?

"Leave us." Pan ordered.

"No way! I'm not leaving her with you." Wyatt snapped.

Felix barged in and grabbed him by the shoulder, "come on, boy. Pan's orders."

Wyatt stood his ground not moving, glaring at Peter who was merely looking at him with a bored expression.

"Wyatt, it's okay, I'll find you in a little while." I promised him.

"Listen to your friend if you know what's good for you, you don't want to know what the consequences of disobeying him are." Felix warned.

Wyatt looked at me one final time, "you come find me."

And he turned, shrugging off Felix's hold as he limped out the door, Felix followed behind and closed the door.

I twisted my hands nervously, refusing to meet Pan's gaze. I felt the mattress shift and I reluctantly glance up to see him watching me with concern.

Hah, Pan concerned about me? That's funny.

"Have a little nightmare, did we?"

I nodded, little was a huge understatement, but I wasn't going to point that out.

"So, why were you screaming for me?"

I shrugged.

"Come on now, Aries. I am the king of Neverland and it's dreams, if you tell me, I could help you." He urged lowly.

I sighed, closing my eyes, "It's so unclear, bits and pieces here and there. I remember you were walking away from me and I tried to go with you....but I just couldn't catch up, you were always ahead of me and I was yelling for you to come back but you never stopped. Just kept walking."

He was silent, and the atmosphere turned heavy to where I was scared to breathe. I opened my eyes and he was bent over with his head in his hands.

"Peter?" I asked cautiously and I place my hand on his shoulder.

It was then that I noticed I wasn't supposed to call him that, or he'd kill me but I was too confused at his current state to worry about what he'd do later on.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispered.


"I can't focus on anything. I can't eat, I can't even sleep. You're always in my head and I can't get you out" He snarled. "What's happening to me?"

"I-I don't know."

He turned his head to look at me with eyes that were hateful yet loving. Funny how those two emotions, complete opposites, could balance so dangerously, so you couldn't tell which one you were feeling.

This was our problem. In my dreams I was so frightened of him yet terrified to lose him. This demon, this evil, immortal thing that may or not be a boy, I was falling for.

I put my hand on his cheek and he closed his eyes, leaning into my touch.

"What's happening to me?" I repeated.

His eyes shot open and I saw that need in them, that want, and I felt sparks fly in my veins as I felt my own desire rise up in me. He crossed the distance between us and pressed his lips to mine, I pulled him closer eagerly as I kissed him back, his hot skin washing over my shakes and soothing my fear. He broke away and pressed his forehead to mine, gazing into my eyes.

"I'm not good for you, Aries."

"I don't care." I whispered.

"I could hurt you."

" won't." That was a lie, he very well could, "I want you, Peter."

He closed his eyes and sighed, pulling away and standing up.

"I can't. I won't love you, I can't afford to be weak. You'll go to Mermaid Lagoon today and retrieve the chalice or I'll slit Wyatt's throat while I make you watch, and then...I'll get Felix to kill you too." His voice was hollow, no emotion, almost like he wasn't really there.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek, as I watched him open the door and walk out without looking back.

My dreams came true after all. Him killing Wyatt in front of me, Felix chasing me to end my life too, and now Peter leaving me behind. I couldn't even imagine my other visions coming to life, the mermaid and Neverland burning. I never knew what heartbreak was, but I can only guess it's what I'm feeling now. More tears came and my sobs racked through me, I was weak, I shouldn't have let myself get so close. I gave him my heart after I practically swore to myself that I wouldn't. I should have gone with my better judgement and just avoided anything to do with him. But I was reckless and stupid and now I was paying for my mistake. I curled up into a ball, hugging my sides and letting the pain escape my body through my tears and shuddering breaths as I waited for a break in this torment.

I woke up from my nightmares only to find out I was in an even worse one.

Violent Delights and Violent Ends ( a Peter Pan OUAT Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now