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"Abandon all hope ye who enter here." - Dante Alighieri

The thing about flying is that it creates the illusion that it'll last forever (which it doesn't) and also gives you the false idea that you have complete and utter control (which you don't), so it came as a bit of a surprise as the island rushed ever closer to me as I glided over the water swiftly that I began to start flying ever so lower than I would have liked. The feeling of the wind rushing through my hair and over-all sensation of just pure undulated freedom was lost suddenly in the terror as I plummeted back to earth.

I screamed as I fell, I was at least one hundred feet up and not even over the island yet, all too soon the ocean's waves rose to meet my impact. I slammed right through the surface, and was frozen by the shock that I was in mermaid waters now. Exactly the oppisite of where I wanted to be. I kicked my way furiously to the top, breaking out and gasping for oxygen. I turned around quickly, certain that I'd be met by cold blue eyes and looked below me frantically searching for any sign of the glimmer of a tail or a pale hand reaching for my ankle to pull me back down into the errie gloom of the ocean abyss.

I realized that my feet were kicking about 20 feet from the bottom, and noticed that I was only a few minutes swim from shore, I took a calming breath to settle my deep fried nerves and began the swim to Neverland. Finally, I reached the sand bank where the water ombred from deepest blue, to a pale aqua. Silver fish darted too and fro as I waded up through the shallows. My long brown hair was plastered everywhere, and my clothes stuck to my skin tightly. I took my first step onto Neverland's shore without thinking, too desperate to be dry, and I gasped when I felt a shock-like current pulse through me and it echoed through out the island, creating a strong wind that blew all the trees and foilage backwards and a large flock of birds erupted up and took off at the scare.

"What the hell?"

That was weird, well if Pan didn't know I was here yet, he certainly did now. Great. I shook out my hair letting droplets fly, and began to wring out my drenched shirt, and glancing around nervously, eyeing the shadows at the edge of the forest with distrust. I shouldn't just be out in the open like this, I'll be ambushed and be trapped. Not smart at all. I began my way up to the tree line, and looked up the long stretch of sand on either side of me. It was a beautiful beach, pristine sand and crystal clear waters that reflected the stormy sky above. Ominous clouds hung pregnant with rain and a whisper of a thunder storm was heavy in the air.

I stepped through the forest eyeing the interior, it was darker than I thought and unlike the beach, it kind of creeped me out. The trees were a dark almost black wood that shot straight out of the ground and went up as far as you could see, their leaves blocking any sunshine, vines ran every where threatining to ensnare me while I waited for the lost boys to find me. I started walking faster and the further I went the denser the plants became, the enviorment began to look wild and untamed. I was panting as I fast walked through the shadowy jungle, and was all too aware of the aching in my muscles and the driness in my throat from swallowing too much salt water.

Than I heard something. I stopped abruptly, listening. It was yells, the animalistic calls of boys. I couldn't tell what they were saying they were at least half a mile to the right of me. Oh shit. I suddenly lurched forward, running straight ahead hoping to outskirt them. My breathing had become more ragid and my heart was thundering so hard and loud I swore it was echoing throughout the entire island. I picked up the pace and strained my ears to see if I was being pursued, I still heard thier voices but they were growing fainter, falling behind.

Slow pokes.

I had an exhilerated grin that was half excitement and half hysteric terror, and I continued tearing through the bush, hoping to find a cave to lay low in. I rounded a sharp left and ran smack into somebody, sending us both flying and I landed awkwardly on my ankle in a crumpled heap. A sharp tree root dug painfully in my back and I fumbled myself to my feet at the same time that they did.

Our eyes met and I took them in, as we both said at the same time.

"Who the hell are you?"





Violent Delights and Violent Ends ( a Peter Pan OUAT Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now