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I grabbed his face. Pulling his face close to mine and smashed our lips together.

I couldn't help it okay? He was waffling about how I don't like him and all and how when I kissed him at my football game, it was just a little experiment I did to see if I liked boys over girls or both. 

It took a while for him to realize the situation and respond with his lips. His lips kinda just danced with mine as I had full control of our kiss. This kiss was different. It was the kiss that got me to accept myself.

"Alex..." He moans softly as I bit on his bottom. Oh that sound! That was fucking hot and I wanted to hear it again.

"Yes Jake?" I asked him as I grabbed his crotch and he gulped at the action.

"What are you doing to me?" He asked and I stared at him.

"What am I doing?? I'm kissing you, can't you tell? I'm proving to you that you're not just an experiment, you're the person I like. A lot." I told him truthfully and he smiled in response.

"Okay," He told me and kissing my lips once more before walking over to his friends again. 

I walked over to the parking lot to chill inside my 2016 Jeep Wrangler. Looking at it is fucking porn. It's just so beautiful and weirdly arousing. 

I can't wait to fuck Jake in this bad boy.

I chuckled at the thought. We haven't even spent more than two hours together and I already want to bang him. Way to go Alex, way to go lad.

Well I guess the first part kinda told you a little bit about me. Let me just repeat. I  play football for our school football and soon nationals, I carried this little experiment with Alex to see if I was gay or not and pretty sure I am after tonight, I have this weird pull towards Jake Faye, I collect cars and I very often have sex in them.

But that's not all about me. I'm a fucking night owl, badly addicted to coffee, big lover of photography and music too. Oh, and travelling is my drug. My parents are doctors and leave me home alone very often. I have no siblings, I don't know why but my parents never really considered having another kid. Maybe I was an accident, I don't know. 

I live in a fucking mansion on top of this hill that has an amazing view of New York. My parents are rich as hell and I'm basically up to to having all these money and fancy shit but I told them I'm fine going to a middle-class high school. They're all the same education and potential really, it was just the price that differentiate and the names of the school that made it the school.

I honked the horn when I saw Jake walk pass my car. He turned around and walked over to me grinning.

"What's with the grin!" I shouted loudly over the loud music I was blaring.

"This car, it's so, you." He tells me and laughs hysterically. 

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!" I retorted and he panted after laughing hard.

"Sorry! I couldn't help it," He still won't stop laughing.

"Just get in!" I demanded.

"Why!? Who knows where you'll bring me. You'll probably bring me to your secret hideout and rape md..." He accused.

"Don't make me do it," I bragged.

"Ok ok," He says jumping into the passenger seat.

I stepped on the pedal and the engines roared. Sexy beast! 

"Woohoo!" I shouted as I drove off the parking lot of our school.

I'm fucking exhausted from our game. It was the last game of the season before winter comes and it was the big game. And it truly was. I think I just won myself a trophy, Jake Faye. 

"Dude you missed my block! Don't tell me you are going to rape me, shit..." Jake shouts after realizing I missed it on purpose.

"I know, I know. I'm just bringing you to mine. I just feel lonely. My dad's in Nigeria and my mom's in Russia doing their doctor shit. You've been to my house right? It's a fucking mansion and it gets real lonely sometimes." I told him honestly. It was really all I need to be honest. Just company.

"Ok, ok. But I can't stay the night though. My parents are going to L.A. tomorrow early morning and the baby sitter doesn't come until noon. Is that ok?" He asks me.

"It's perfect," I smiled as I drove up the hill.


I parked the Jeep beside the Benz that I got for my birthday. I guess you can say I'm spoiled. Since my parents are barely home, when they tell me they'll make it up to me, it really means they'll get me a new car to add to my collection or get me new instruments and what not.

"Jeezus, how many cars do y'all need?" Jake acknowledges looking down my family's collection.

"Trust me, it's not enough. I need at least eight." I smirked opening the front door. 

I glanced back looking at Jake still admiring the cars. He didn't seem to realize I opened the door already as he eyed my Audi s8 in matte black. I don't like to play favorites with my babies but I gotta say, the s8 is the sexiest one yet. I mean, look at it!

"It's beautiful.." Jake says touching the surface. Usually I would scream at anyone who even dared to touch my cars. Specially the matte ones since the paint was just too fragile. But I couldn't yell at Jake, he was beautiful as he did so.

"Like you," I commented and I saw light blush on his cheeks. 

"I know," Narcissist. "Are these all your's?"

"Yeah, this lane is. And that three are my mom's and those six are my dad's." I showed him, pointing at all our cars. Guess you can say our family is car obsessed. We just fucking love 'em. We currently have 16 parked in front of our house and five over at our getaway house in Florida. Yeah, we're pretty hyped up with cars.

"Do you have any food?" He asks randomly.

"Yeah sure, I'll cook for you," I told him, leading him back to the house.

"You cook?" He asks me burrowing his brows.

"How do you think I keep these bad boys?" I smirked, lifting my shirt up showing him my abs. 

"Keep it down boy," He whispers and I rolled my eyes.

He sat down on the island as I gathered the stuff for a classic salmon and rice. I boiled the rice as I defrosted the salmon by heater. I grabbed two glasses from the cupboard an got us some water when I heard him play "Flawless" by The NBHD.

I stared at him and he told me quickly, "I can change it if you want,"

"No! I love the song and the band. Why don't you connect to the speaker. Turn your Bluetooth on and connect to 'Owen FamBam'." I was a bit embarrassed to tell him the Bluetooth speaker name I made when I was 10 and when I was still hesitant and shy to talk to the guy who installed the speakers in our house.

"Okay..." He says and soon enough The NBHD blared in the house. "Sweet! I love this house already!"

"Nice to hear you want to be hear often," I teased him and he rolled his eyes vaguely. 

I set the table up for the two of us and we helped ourselves to the meal. I hope he likes this, I love my food salty so I don't know if I made it too salty for his liking.

"Hmmmmhmm, c'est deliceux"  He tells me, mocking my french accent.

"J'adore le poisson. C'est tres bon et bonne santé. J'aime nourriture dans général," Shots backfired! Yeah that's right Jake, take that!

"You love fish. It's good and healthy. You like food in general," Shit? I didn't fucking know this Portuguese boy knew french. Dafuq?

"You know french?" I asked him in surprise.

"Yeah," He tells me smirking and placing a cut fish in his mouth.

"Oh god," I sighed and stuffed my mouth with the dish.

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