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Alex Owen's POV

What the fuck do I do!? I don't know shit about her parents, I don't know anything about her at all! I'm not even at a proper hospital. I brought her to some stupid clinic where they'd give you bandaid if you said you have struggles breathing. 

The so called 'doctors' won't tell me anything. They just wheeled her into some emergency and I was left to wait obliviously. 

I didn't even know why I yelled at Kirstie. She just confronted me about not telling her anything about me. But how could I? It would break her emotionally.  But the other part that worried me was, why did it bug Kirstie so much when I yelled at her? And she kept telling me 'don't'. Was she some trauma victim or something? It's like she was talking to someone and that someone was actually there before she fainted.

"Family members of Ms. Kirstie Anderson?" Some bald guy asked walking out the door I saw them wheel Kirstie in.

"How is she doing?" I asked, bolting up my seat to meet the guy's eyes.

"Are you a family member of Ms. Anderson?" He questions.

"I'm her boyfriend," I answered.

"Well I'm sorry but I can't tell you to anything about the patient. We would have to wait for one of her parents at least," He declare before walking off.

How fucking ridicule for hospitals to have that. Like I get the whole confidential thing but are they really that cold hearted? Letting those that cared for the patient worry? How fucking low. 

I didn't know a single bit about Kirstie's family. She never told me anything about them, all I know is that they're Bulgarian. 

So I did the least I can do- call my dad.

A: Dad?

D: Alex! What's up?

A: Uhm it's Kirstie..we sort of got into an argument and she fainted so I brought her to some stupid clinic with low doctors. They won't tell me anything because I'm not family, and I don't know what to do dad, please help.

D: Okay Alex, calm down. I'll be on my way. Is that the clinic on 46th?

A: Yeah

D: Alright, just hang in there okay? I'll be quick

A: Okay

I hung up and slumped back at my seat. Knowing my dad could sort all this out. That was who my dad was, a hero. He saved many lives, solved medical mysteries and did the first step on finding cure for cancer. And in return he gets this. A dead wife and a troubled son.

Minutes later, I saw my dad jogging in from the entrance where he saw me straight away. I smiled pleasantly and standing up to embrace my father who whispered for me to calm down.

"We have to bring her to a proper hospital, this place would probably just give her a plaster. I'll talk to the doctors for a transfer okay?" He explained to me and I just nodded before sitting back down.

I felt guilty.

I brought Kirstie blindly into this mess. She made me happy and I tried my best by spoiling her but I could never return love to her. That was just, vague.

But when she woke up, I would explain to her what really happened. She deserved to know. There I'll give her the right to decided weather she wanted to be with me, even as friend. I'm hoping she keeps me as a friend. 

"Okay, we're getting her transferred. 40 years of working on the medical field and these doctors tell me I can't transfer her because I'm no family member so I don't get to choose that for her sake. I had to rub my certificate into their faces to prove that I am a doctor and I know what's best for her. These bastards, why did you bring her here again? The actual hospital is just a few miles down the road.." My dad muttered.

"I sort of panicked so I brought her here," I explained and he shrugged.

"Alex you gotta inform her parents or any family member. Not because of the whole 'you ain't no fam member so you ain't gon' know shit about the patient' rule but because they actually need to know about Kirstie." He urges and I probably looked ignorant with my response.

"I don't know anything about her family." And he didn't ask anymore questions after that. I dragged myself up to the parking lot where we jumped in our cars and drove to the hospital with the ambulance roaring behind us.

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