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I drove five blocks away from Jake's. Knowing that someone in a white duplex house is going to take care of me, dead or alive. And it's been that way since we were 13. We met since we both dated this fugly whore in the year above us at the same time. I think her name was Briana, I don't know. She was tall, skinny and blonde. She would chew her gum loudly and twirl her hair every time she would talk to a guy. And when a teacher would tell her to spit her gum out, she would spit it hitting the teacher's face.

She was also me and Logan's first kiss. She took our virginity away and made us her slaves. Not at the same time of course. All I know is that when the end of year came, I saw Logan and her deep down each other's throats when Briana told me that she wanted to meet up before summer for a little "fun".

And that was how things backfired. I actually thought I loved her and that she loved me. I even got her roses, wrote her love letters like "your eyes shine brightly and is my motivation for getting through the day". Yeah, I was a cheesy kid. I also planned us a little wedding in my head and how that day would be perfect. I read books to find the most creative names to name our future child. Yeah man, I had dreams.

Then of course I saw them and Logan and I had this debate to who should have Briana. But Briana said we both deserved her and that she wanted to have us to some threesome of something. Since Logan and I wanted Briana, we agreed to the threesome. It didn't last long of course. Briana just used me as her foot massager and Logan as her forehead massager. She said it was a way of devotion but really she was just a brat.

So Logan and I planned this little savage on her. We took photos of her naked and posted it all over the internet. Briana obviously got expelled for "bad behavior" and moved towns. Logan and I have been best friends ever since.

I knocked on their front door to meet Logan. I was a few inches taller than him so he obviously looked up and studied me carefully when all I really wanted was for him to let me in since I was freezing.

"Holy mother of god, Jesus has risen!" He cheers.

"You ass!" I chuckled and grabbed him by his neck playfully strangling him.

"Dude I thought you died!" Logan gawked, still under my grip.

"I didn't, no shit. I wouldn't be here." I snapped.

"Ahh well I'm glad you're alive." He says standing up from my grip. "But seriously, take a shower ew." He tells, scrunching his nose.

He welcomes me into their warm house where he called out his mother's name. His mom was fucking sane. But I loved her, she used to sometimes come to my house, or old house and thought me how to cook and took care of me when I had a fever.

"Oh my god, Alex!" She greets me and quickly walking over but Logan butted in.

"Don't get near him ma! He stinks like a skunk," Logan smirks.

"Oh fuck off Logan!" Woah, I never heard her swear. 

She stumbled her way over to me before embracing me into a warm hug. I considered her my mom really and Logan my brother. They treated me like family too. Though Logan's dad has been MIA since the day he was born, they sure looked strong with just the two of them.

"They said you were dead!" She mentioned kissing me on my forehead. Her chapped warm lips felt nice, I don't even remember feeling my mom's ones.

"I only heard about that news yesterday actually. Can I explain to you guys later? I just want to take a shower right now if you guys don't mind." I told them.

"Alright, alright. And of course you can use the shower here. You can stay here too if you want. You're always welcome here. You know that?" She tells me giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I know, thank you." I responded.


When dinner came, I was able to take a shower and shave my beard off. It's been a while since I last seen my face actually. I might keep this whole top knot thing, I think can pull it off. My face felt smooth af, like real smooth like a baby's ass.

I smelt better now. Thanks to Logan's Axe shampoo, conditioner, body wash and spray. I swear it won't be long until Logan uses Axe as his mouth wash or even drink it as his water. That guy loves Axe, I swear he needs credit from the company.

I sat down on the couch where Logan was watching an episode of Spongebob like usual. He kinda never let go of the show. He said he got hooked since he was around four or something.

"Alex Louis Owen, sit the fuck down and tell me where your ass has been!" Logan laughs tapping on the couch space beside him.

"I wanna hear the story too!" His mom came jogging in from the kitchen.

"Ok, ok. Soo basically before winter last year, I carried this experiment with Jake Faye to see if I'm gay or not. And in the end, I was. Jake and I weren't official but we kissed and hung out a lot. So I brought him home once knowing that my parents are still over seas. But of course, shit happens and turns out they aren't. My dad walked in on me and Jake all up each other shouting shit about how this whole thing I'm doing is wrong. Then my mom walked in and lashed out too. So I backfired to them about how they still have the guts to call me their son when they barely look at me when they are home which is very often. Even when we're on skype, it doesn't even last for 30 minutes sometimes. My dad kicked me out and I've been living in a truck on a cliff for about year. Yeah that's why I stink shit. Yesterday, Jake called me and told me how he still loved me and that I can stay with them. The feeling was mutual so I went to their's. His mom also told me about the news that I died running away. It fucking hurts to know that my parents faked my death because they were too ashamed of me. So anyways, last night Jake and I did it. It was epic man. Then this morning I walk into him deep down someone's throat and he gets mad at me for leaving him but hell knows that didn't matter as I was here now. Like dude, you can't call your 'ex' telling him or her that you love them and that you guys should fuck and the following morning about to rip your other's shirt off." I explained and they just stared at me appalled.

"Wow, what a dick. So let me get this straight, you're gay?" Logan assumes.

"Yeah, I'm gay." It's kinda weird saying it out loud to be honest.

"Oh ok, that's absolutely fine man. I mean, love and bang whoever you want right? Just make sure you don't jump on me or anything and I'm fine." Logan tells me laughing.

"Jerk! Of course I wouldn't. You're too small for my liking," I teased.

"EW!! I need to wash that outta my mind. And please, don't insult something you have too." Logan snorts.

"Oh god guys, you and your obsession over your d!cks. Can't you once be worried about the size of your balls?" Logan's mom laughs and all of us.

Once and for all, it felt fine. I felt like I had a family.

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