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Alex Owen's POV

Why do I keep running away? Why can't I just stay, hear Jake out and maybe then I'd be with him. Why can't I just love him?

Hell the first time I ran away was because my parents kicked up me out but Jake offered me to stay at their's but instead I run away.

Second time I run away because Jake was with someone after I just gave myself to him.

Third time I jumped at him then ran away.

Why can I just stay so that we can figure out are bloody situation!?

Because I'm fucking scared! I am because of how I feel for Jake Faye. It terrifies me! I've never had a pull to be with someone. I've never devoted myself to someone. Was I scared to love or to get hurt? I don't fucking know. And that's what pisses me off most.

I dialed Logan's number on the home phone as my phone died forever and I desperately needed Logan's company. Even if all he can do was sit at the end of my bed and hear me cry about some stupid guy I fell for a year ago.

L: Hey man, ya good?

A: Not really, can ya come over?

L: Sure thing, I'll be there in 10. Do you want me to bring some snacks and a few movies to cure your breakup? OH! Just got a few face masks and nail polish, we can have a little spa night!!!

A: Logan! Just because I have some feelings for a guy, that doesn't make me a chick you asshole.

L: Jeez, time of the month I see.

A: Get your ass here already.

L: Okay missy!

I rolled my eyes before ending the call and groaning in my bed, waiting for him to show up. Even though it was 2 in the morning, he would still come. Talk about dedication.

Minutes later, I heard him buzz on my doorbell drastically which caused me to bolt off my bed and running down the stairs before he wakes up the pests in my house.

"Jeezus Logan," I groaned as I saw him wait outside my door in his boxers and a tee shirt that says 'I <3 NY'

"Nice to see you too," He babbles, walking into my humble board.

"But seriously dude, what the fuck are you wearing. You don't wear shirts like that when you're at that place." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"I knew you needed me man. Why, would you want me to show up in a tee that says 'Best Son In The Whole Wide World'? Because trust me, I have one given by my lovely mother." He retorts.

"Nah I'm good." I disclosed.

"Why'd you call me with your home phone? What happened to your phone- oh my god what the actual fuck!?" He gawks staring at my phone on the floor. "That was an iPhone 6!"

"Yeah I know, I'll get a replacement tomorrow." I decided.

"Fucking rich kids." He rolls his eyes.

"I'm not rich!" I snapped back.

"Yeah? Around 20 cars parked in your drive way, most of which cost up to 40 grand each. Some even up to a 100 grand. Lives in a four story mansion which only homes to two people. Considering your dad's often travelling, make that one person." He snarls.

"I'm not rich," I coaxed.

"Whatever. So, why did you bring me here again? At 2 in the morning?" He inquires placing his feet on the table. If he did that in front of my mom, he can say goodbye to his balls. I swear if my mom was watching (which she probably is), Logan would be experiencing some poltergeist for 'damaging' the furniture.

"I came to some Grease Broadway with Kirstie before she went to NJ and Jake just so happens to be the main character. Got confirmed on facebook. And a few hours ago, I had this brilliant idea where I would go to his work place and jump on him. Then I ran away. I'm just really confused, like why do I have to runaway? That was the third time I've ran away from him." I spoke, choking on my words as I explained the last part.

"I mean, obviously running away was a shitty thing because, you guys had something and probably still do. But if you aren't ready, when will you be? You gotta face it man, you can run away from people but not from feelings." Damn son, he just turned my thoughts upside down.

"Dude, have you ever considered being some sort of therapist?" I questioned.

"Nah, I prefer the physical type of therapy. Like I really wanna punch you in the face for running away again but I know that won't do shit." He mocks and had the guts to smile innocently.

"Ya fucking dick," I scolded tackling him to the ground.

Our face were so fucking close to each other. Our breath bouncing of each other's. Then the last thing happened.

Logan Carter leaned up and kissed me.

I pulled myself quickly up and he sat up panicking.

"Oh my god dude, I'm so sorry!" He yells.

"Uhm, that's okay. What was that for?" I questioned.

"Alex, I liked you since we were thirteen." Was his response.

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