Typical Mornings

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Ed's POV
I sighed and sat up from my bed. My golden locks of hair falling in my face. I blow it away from my eyes and stood up. I looked over at Al. "Al. I'm awake." I said bluntly. His red eyes appeared and he stood up, his feet making a small clunk on the ground. I smiled softly at him before turning away. "I'm gonna take a shower." I explained. "Okay Brother." He responded. I grabbed my clothes and hopped in, risining my hair and carefully cleaning my auto mail. I walked out five minutes later and dressed myself. I rang out my hair. I decided to leave it down and brushed it out. "Al! I'm ready!" I called. I heard metal feet hiting the ground as he ran towards me. "Lets go." He said. I nodded and we began walking towards Central. "Wait! Crap! I forgot my report!" I said. We ran back insode the house and I grabbed my report, having a feeling that if I didn't Colonel Bastard would have a bone to pick with me. "Okay. For real this time. Lets go." Al said. I chuckled and nodded. "Okay little brother." I responded. We walked to Central and walked through the main doors. "Oh! Good morning Ed!" Hughes called. "Morning Colonel." I responded. Al and I continued walking towards our destination. Instead of knocking on Mustang's door, I slammed it open. "Oh. Good morning Fullmetal." Mustang greeted. "Morning." I grumbled. I walked up to Mustang's desk and handed in my report. "Here."I mumbled. "Fullmetal. This is two weeks late." He said. "Whatever. I was busy." I responded sharply. "And why was that? The fear of never growing taller keeping you awake so you were sleeping your butt off?" Mustang implied with a smug smirk. Lieutenant Hawkeye and Al stood there, unmoved by Mustang's comment. "Al. Go wait outside for me." "But Brother-" "Please." Al sighed and walked out. "Lieutenant follow Al." Mustang ordered. Hakweye nodded and walked out. I growled and punched Mustang right in the face. "STOP MAKING SHORT JOKES BASTARD!" I growled. Mustang pinned me against the wall. "You have no right turning in a late paper Fullmetal." He responded. I growled. "WELL EXCUSE ME FOR LOOKING AFTER MY LITTLE BROTHER!" I growled and pushes him off of me. He looked at me shocked. "Fullmetal I-" "Shut it. You badtard." I growled. And with that, I walked out of his office. "Lets go Al." I said to him. "Brother what happened?" Al questioned me. "Nothing. Lets go."

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