Mustang The Bastard

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Roy's POV
My clock woke me up as I shut it off tiredly. I stand up and give myself five minutes to actually wake up. My vision was clear and I walked into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair. After fixing myself up, I got into my uniform. I grabbed my pocket watch, gloves and hopped into my car.
I got to work and walked in. I was greeted by Hawkeye. "Good morning Sir." She greeted. "Morning Lieutenant." Now I was just waiting for Fullmetal and everyone else. My door was suddenly slammed open. "Oh. Good morning Fullmetal." I greeted. 'Ed looks so cute with his hair down. Who am I kiding? He always- wait what am I thinking?!' "Morning." He grumbled. He walked up to my desk and handed in my report. "Here." He mumbled. "Fullmetal. This is two weeks late." I said. "Whatever. I was busy." He responded sharply. "And why was that? The fear of never growing tall keeping you awake so you were sleeping your butt off?" I implied with a smug smirk. Lieutenant Hawkeye and Al stood there, unmoved by my comment. "Al. Go wait outside for me." "But Brother-" "Please." Al sighed and walked out. "Lieutenant follow Al." I ordered. Hakweye nodded and walked out. Fullmetal growled and punched me right in the face. "STOP MAKING SHORT JOKES BASTARD!" He growled. I pinned Fullmetal against the wall. "You have no right turning in a late paper Fullmetal." I responded. He growled. "WELL EXCUSE ME FOR LOOKING AFTER MY LITTLE BROTHER!" Fullmetal growled and pushed me off of him. I looked at him shocked. "Fullmetal I-" "Shut it. You bastard." he growled. I sighed as Fullmetal ran out. 'Why did he seem so annoyed? I didn't even make two short comments....thats weird.' I mentally asked myself. "Colonel! What happened in here?" Hawkeye asked. I sighed and sat down. "Nothing Lieutenant." I replied. I sighed and realized Fullmetal's red jacket was still here. "Lieutenant could you go return that to Fullmetal?" I asked. "Yes Sir!" She responded. I began working on my paper work until Major Armstrong came in. "Colonel Mustang! Sergeant Brosh and Lieutenant Ross are missing!" He exclaimed. I looked at him. "Well, then send out a search party." I responded. Soon, Hawkeye ran in, in a panic. "Colonel...Edward's gone!" She said. "Wheres Al?" "Right here Sir." Al said. 'Why am I so worried about Fullmetal? Of all people? Why him?'

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