Pretending To Be Normal

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Ed's POV
We were on the train for the entire night. Al and I hopped off of the train and into Central. We walked to Central in complete silence. "So Brother, it seems your better." Al said. I nodded. "Yeah. That nap I took really helped me a whole bunch." I replied. We walked into Central and were greeted by everyone. "Oh! Good morning Elric brothers!" Hughes called. "Morning Hughes." I responded. "Is Colonel Mustang here?" Al asked. At the mention of Mustang, anger filled my entire body. "Yeah. He is. Although, I'd be careful Ed. Mustang seems a bit upset." Hughes explained. I shrugged. "Whatever." I started walking towards Mustang's office. I slammed his door open and plopped my report on his desk. "There you go Colonel Bastard." I said, not making eye contact with him. There was no response. "Edward! Alphonse!" Fuery exclaimed, I forcefully stopped myself from flinching. "Hey Fuery." I responded. "Seems like your doing better Ed." He said to me. I nodded, a smiling slipping onto my face. "Yeah. I am." I replied. 'I think I can actually hide my fear and pain this time. This is the only way I can continue to look for the philosopher's stone and get Al's body back. The only way I can't burden everyone.'

Pain. It was everywhere. It could never go away. That was impossible.
I cried out as cuts were formed on my body. "St-Stop....please." I cried. All I could see was darkness. I couldn't even see my attacker. They ignored my pleads and continued to strike me, causing another cry to erupt from my throat. I felt a sharp object hit my cheek. "Shut it." They growled at me. Tears rolled down my face as they continued. "Please stop..." I cried. Suddenly, something went straight through my stomach, making me cough up blood. Whatever was covering my eyes was removed. I was losing a lot of blood. When I looked up at my attacker, I was met with the stone cold eyes of none other than Colonel Roy Mustang. "Die." He spat.

"Brother! Brother wake up!" Al called. "Hmm?" I stirred. "Your gonna be late!" Al exclaimed, his armor shifting. I sat up and sat there for a moment starring off into space. "Brother!" Al called again. "Oh sorry!" I exclaimed. I shot up and scurried around for my clothes. Everything was back to normal again. Everything except me. If anything, I'd say I've been getting worse. My nightmares have been worse than usual. I'm a bit more jumpy and I've been stopping myself from flinching. I put on my clothes and braided my hair. "Let's go!" I called, a fake smile forming on my face. Al nodded and he handed me my report. "Thanks." I said to him. We walked out and walked towards our destination. Out of one of my habits, I slung my arms behind my head as we walked into Central Command. "Morning Ed." Hughes said. "Morning." I responded. Al and I walked towards Mustang's office. I slammed his door open. Hawkeye stood next to Mustang's desk, obviously angered. "Good morning Lieutenant..." I said slowly. "Oh good morning Edward." She responded. "What did Mustang do this time?" I asked, knowing why Hawkeye was upset. "The Colonel did none of his paper work and I found him alseep on his desk." She explained. "Mustang your such an idiot." I said to him. "Shut up Fullmetal. Oh wait. I can't see you! Where'd you go?!" He exclaimed. I growled. "DON'T CALL ME A MICRO SIZED BEAN DAMMIT!" I yelled. "What...? I can't hear you all the way down there!" He exclaimed. "FINE!" I yelled. I stormed right next to Mustang and grabbed his face. I put my mouth near Mustang's ear and toke a deep breath. "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW BASTARD?!" I yelled. Right.Into.His.Ear. I smugly smirked and stepped back. But the look on Mustang's face stroke fear in me. "Thats IT! FULLMETAL!" He yelled. He raised his hand and panic surged in my body. I took wobbly steps back and tripped on Mustang's couch, failling backwards.

Roy's POV
Fullmetal stormed right next to me and grabbed my face. He put his mouth near my ear and toke a deep breath. "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW BASTARD?!" He yelled. Right.Into.My.Ear. He smugly smirked and stepped back. But the look on my face clearly stroke fear in him. 'Hm. Thats weird.' I thought. But I was to angry with him to ask. "Thats IT! FULLMETAL!" I yelled. I raised my hand and growled lowly. Fullmetal took wobbly steps back and tripped on my couch, failling backwards. "Gah!" He exclaimed before falling. I shot up from my desk and ran towards him. When I saw him, I froze. He was curled in a trembling ball, his hair all over the place and his jacket messed up. "I-I'm sorry! Do-Don't hur-hurt me!" He cried. I stood frozen in place. Only four words running through my thoughts.
"What have I done?"

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