This Is All His Fault

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Edward was sitting on top of Roy, growling lowly at him. "You....Your saying you knew what could happen?!" Ed exclaimed, clearly angry. Roy sighed. "Yes. I did Fullmetal. Although I didn't know that they'd hurt that." He responded. "You really are a bastard!" Edward yelled at him as he punched Roy's face again. Roy took the hit, full force. He knew Ed would react this way. But he didn't respond to the hit or fight back. "Fullmetal calm down." Roy tried. "Shut up!" Edward responded. "This happened to me because of you! This is your fault this happened!" He yelled. Roy was hurt honestly. 'Why does this kid mean so much to me?' Roy thought. Ed growled and Roy felt small wet drops falling onto his shirt. When he looked at Ed, he saw that Edward was crying. Ed's full force punches turned into small punches on Roy's chest. "Yo-You bastard of a colonel..." He cried. Roy sat up slowly and pulled Ed towards him. "Edward...I'm sorry." He said softly. He lifted Ed's chin up slowly and kissed him gently. Ed's eyes widened and he pushed away. "Don't you dare!" He cried. "Don't you dare kiss me! Don't you dare!" Ed cried. Roy looked at Ed softly. "Ed just listen for a sec-" "No!" He responded. Roy stood up with Ed and hugged him again. "Ed please calm down." He pleaded. Ed pushed him away again. He turned away from Roy and started walking towards the door. "I hate you. Don't ever touch me again." He muttered. And with that he went to find a phone. While Ed was calling Alphonse, Roy was destroyed. He thought Ed could forgive him. "Hey Al. Do you think you could come pick me up? I'm at Mustang's house." Ed said. Roy could hear what Ed was saying. He didn't want Ed to leave but what could he do? He was helping a stubborn 15 year old boy. He knew Ed wouldn't listen to him. Not one bit. "Two days....yeah. I could stay in Resembool for two days. Thats fine." Roy heard Ed say. Ed soon hung up and walked towards Roy. He gave Roy a hard glare. "Al's picking me up." He said. And with that, Ed walked into the bed room he was staying in. He slammed the door shut and flopped onto his bed. He started crying again and Roy could hear it. And it pained him to be the cause of Ed's tears. He wanted to make him happy. Make him laugh and smile. But he was far from that. He only made Ed cry and yell.

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