Losing Hope

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Ed's POV
It's been at least a week.
One week is a lot of time. I've given up hope that I'll be rescued from this hell. My body is covered in little cuts. Blood soaked my clothes. Some parts of my hair even. My muscles ached, my head was throbbing. I was even bleeding. But it was like no one seemed to care. Once Mia 'had her fun', I would thrown back into a cell. But I would be in the same cell as Brosh and Ross. Lieutenant Ross would comfort me. At first I would always pull away and declare that I was fine.
~Flash Back~
I glared at the enemy as he threw me back into the cell with Ross and Brosh. I hit the wall rather hard and I lost the air in my lungs. "Edward!" Ross exclaimed. "I'm fine!" I spat. I stood up and glared at Brosh and Ross. "I can handle this!" I snapped. Although, my actions spoke differently. My legs and I fell down on my knees. Ross wobbled towards me and pulled me close to me. She wrapped me in an embrace. "Edward. Stop taking this all on yourself. Lean on us for once. Your not alone this time okay?" She asked sweetly. I bit my lip and tried to hold in my cries. But I failed miserably. I hugged her back and cried into her shoulder. "It's alright Ed. We're here.." She whispered soothingly.
~End Of Flash Back~

A week of pain can do a lot to someone.

It can break them

It can change them.

It can make them fear everything.

Or, it ruin who they are.

And it did just that to me. I was no longer 'The Fullmetal Alchemist, the hero of the people' I was just simply 'Edward Elric, the scared little boy'.

As I was thrown back into Ross's arms, I cried. Brosh stood at the front of the cell, growling. He yelled at the guards to let us go. He yelled that what their doing to me isn't humane. And he was right. I clung to Lieutenant Ross and she hugged me softly, making sure not to hurt me. I whimpered and cried. Eventually my cries died down to sniffles and hiccups. "Ed, are you okay now?" She asked softly. I wouldn't deny it. I wasn't okay. I shook my head in reply, to broken and it hurt to talk. My head only throbbed worse. Soon enough I was dragged back out again. I heard guards talking.
"It looks like Mustang finally decided to show up for his pawns."
"Well, I suppose we should go do our job now."
"Which is...?"
"Leaving a nice surprise for the Major."
I was thrown against the wall again.
'Mustang. Please....get here before they hurt me again. Please....'

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