Its Okay Now

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Roy's POV
After everyone was ready, we started to walk back towards the house. That same trail of dirt was there and we began to follow it. Eventually we were lead under ground. We walked through the doors and we were lead into a cave. "EDWARD ELRIC. WE ARE HERE TO TAKE YOU HOME!" Major yelled. "Major. Don't go yelling. You might attract enemies." I scolded. "My apologies." He responded. I sighed. "Major Armstrong?! Is that you?!" It sounded like..."Lieutenant Ross! And Sergeant Brosh!" Armstrong exclaimed. Ross had a cut on her shoulder abd Brosh had a cut on his leg. "Lieutenant Hawkeye, stay here with everyone else. Alphonse follow me." I ordered. They nodded. "Yes Sir." Alphonse and I followed the path way that looked like only one person could walk through it. We were met with a fork in the walk way. One right. One left. "You go left. I'll take right." Alphonse suggested. I nodded and we ran. I got towards a cage and my eyes widened. I was expecting Fullmetal to be smiling in that victory way of his. Instead, I was met with a whimpering, blond haired boy. He was curled in a ball, trembling and bleeding badly. "" I asked slowly. He flinched and looked at me, his hair hiding his face. His eyes of fear looking back at mine. I walked over to him. He flinched away from me. "Hey....its okay Ed. Your safe now." I said soothingly. When I took a step toward him, he stayed still. I bent down and rested on my knees. He bit his lip and moved towards me, crying. I felt him hug me and cry. I hugged him softly I took a better look at his details. His hair was messy and dirty and a bit of blood was in his hair. Fullmetal's red coat was gone. And his clothes were ripped. Suddenly, Ed was jerked out of my grip and Ed let out a cry of pain. Someone was holding him by his hair. "So, its the famous Colonel Roy Mustang. Finally come here to save your pawn?" She asked. "He's not my pawn!" I growled, standing up. She was holding something sharp and smiled creepily. "Oh really now?" She asked. She placed the sharp object on Ed's stomach and made a cut. Fullmetal let out a cry of pain and I growled. "Leave him alone." I said through gritted teeth. She laughed and made the cut even bigger. Ed screamed again and my anger rose. "Leave him alone!" I shouted, kicking her away from him. I took Ed from her and ran out. Alphonse meet up with me. "You found him?" He asked, not seeing Ed in my arms. I nodded. "Right here. I'd be careful with him Alphonse. He's not in his right mind." I responded. He nodded. I turned around to see that the girl was gone. Ed clung to me and I held him close, he seemed to fall unconscious  as we ran back to Hawkeye and the others. "Edward." Ross said softly. "I got him Second Lieutenant." I said. She nodded. I laid Ed down and realized we didn't have any bandages. "What's wrong Sir?" Fuery asked. "We don't have any bandages....." I trailed off. "Show me his wound Sir." Alphonse pleaded. I nodded. I moved out of the way so that Al could see the cut on Fullmetal's stomach. "Sir, I know you may not like to do this but your gonna have to burn his wound closed to stop the bleeding..." Hawkeye said, clearly upset. I bit my lip, hating the idea of hurting him even more. 'Roy. This'll save his life! You need to do it!' I thought. I sighed. "Breda, Falman, and Hawkeye. I want you to hold him down." I say, pain working its way into my voice. "Alphonse, turn away from this." I ordered. "No." He responded. "What?" I asked. "I won't turn away. Not this time." He declared. I sighed and nodded. I put on my gloves and pulled Fullmetal's shirt up, revealing his wound. I closed my eyes and looked as I snapped my fingers, sparks flying over his wound. Fullmetal's eyes opened and widened as he bit back his cries and whimpers. The wound started to close up and eventually the bleeding stops. I sighed and everyone stopped holding him. "Co-Colonel...?" He asked weakly. God. It pained me to see him like this. And I wasn't the only person. Breda, Fuery and Falman were literally crying. Havoc and Hawkeye had to turn away. But if you caught a glimpse of their faces they were trying to keep themselves calm. Armstrong and Alphonse were clearly upset. And Ross and Brosh leaning against the wall, crying as well. "I'm right here Fullmetal. Your okay now." I responded. "I-It hurts..." He cried. I hugged him again softly. I tried to keep myself composed. But I was starting to let my facade slip.
Once I was done I picked up Fullmetal. He hugged me as I stood up. "I'm taking Fullmetal back to my house." I explained. Alphonse stopped me. "But shouldn't we take Brother home?" He asked. I shook my head. "Alphonse just trust me on this." I responded. "Tomorrow we head back to Central." I declared. They all nodded. We started walking back to the hotel and I started to fall behind. Fullmetal was sleeping peacefully in my arms. I looked at him and finally let myself cry. "Fullmetal....I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect you from this. But that's why it's my job to fix you now. I promise I will."

Fixing Broken Metal (RoyEd)Where stories live. Discover now