Making Progress

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Ed's POV
I was sitting on Roy's desk, reading a book on alchemy as Roy was doing paper work. "I'm bored." I groaned. I heard a small chuckle. "Well, Ed you were the one who decided to wait for me to finish my paper work." He responded. "I didn't think it would take this long." I whined staring at the clock. "Hold on shortie. I'm almost done." He responded. "DON'T CALL ME SHORT!" I yelled. Roy just laughed. "But your so cute when your angry." He replied, causing me to blush and turn away, grumbling. Roy laughed softly at my actions. "I'm almost done Ed. Don't worry." He said softly. I nodded. "Okay." As I went back to reading my book, the door slammed open, and I yelped a bit, falling off the desk and trembling. "Ed!" Roy exclaimed, bending down towards me. "I'm fine...just jumpy." I said to him softly and stood up. Roy nodded. "Oops. Sorry cheif. Didn't mean to scare you." Havoc apologized. "Its fine." I responded. Havoc nodded. "So Havoc, what did you need?" Roy asked. "I came to hand in my report Sir." He responded. Roy nodded and walked towards Havoc, grabbing his report. Havoc saluted and walked out of the room. I brushed off my pants and I felt Roy hug me from behind, causing a small squeak to escape from my mouth. Roy leaned close to my ear, and a blush formed on my face. "Are you sure your alright Ed?" He asked softly. I nodded. "Yes. I'm sure Roy. Like I said, I'm just a bit jumpy. Thats all." I responded. Roy nodded and buried his head softly into my shoulder and hugged me close to him. "Okay." He said softly, kissing my cheek. I smiled. I really appreciated how much Roy cared for me. We stayed in that position for a few more minutes until I spoke up. "Roy, as much as I love you, you have to finish your paper work." I said softly to him. Roy made a sound of sadness. "But I don't wanna finish." He pouted. I laughed softly. "Come on Colonel Bastard. You have to finish your paper work." I said to him. Roy sighed. "Fine." He gave in. He pulled out of the hug, and turned towards me. "Mustang. Finish your-mph!" My sentence was cut off by a soft kiss from Roy. I smiled softly and hugged him. "Can you please do your paper work now?" I asked. He sighed and nodded. "Okay. But only because your asking nicely." He said. Roy sat back down in his chair and he continued to do his paperwork. I sat back down on his desk and picked up my book again.
A couple minutes later, Roy tapped my shoulder, causing me to flinch slightly. "Sorry..." I muttered. Roy nodded. "I'm all done. You still hungry?" He asked. I nodded. He laughed softly. "Then let's get something for dinner." He said. I nodded and hopped off his desk. Roy came up next to me amd grabbed my hand softly, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Let's go then." He said softly. A blush dusted my cheeks as we walked through head quarters. People were staring at us. Hughes was looking at us, smiling in approval. My blush spread and it became darker.
"I can't believe the Fullmetal Alchemist would be so disgusting." I heard someone mutter. Ouch. That one hurt. I started to hear other cruel things being said about Roy and I, and honestly I was being hurt by them. Roy stopped me by the door. "Roy..?" I asked softly. He started leaning towards me. "Ignore them Ed." He said as he kissed me. I kissed him back softly. I heard whoops and cheer, the hateful things being buried by the kind cheers and words. "Let's get going." I said, smiling softly. Roy nodded and took hold of my hand again. We walked out of Central Command. "So, where are we going?" I asked him. "Wanna go to my house?" He asked. "Yeah sure. I'd like to enjoy a meal with someone very important to me in privacy anyways." I replied. Once I noticed what I exactly said, I blushed. Roy chuckled again and hugged me close to him. "Your to adorable I can't stand it." He said. My blush spread and I hugged him back. "You're very important to me to Ed." He said to me. I nodded and buried my head into his jacket. Roy chuckled and picked me up. "He-Hey! Put me down!" I exclaimed. Roy ignored my protests and he walked towards his car. "Roy! Put me down ya bastard!" I exclaimed, weakly hitting his back. Roy laughed and put me down in the back seat. "There. Better?" He asked, chuckling. I nodded and yawned. "I'm gonna take a nap..." I mumbled, laying down on the car seat. Roy nodded. "Okay Ed. I'll wake you up when we get to my house." He responded. I nodded and fell asleep.
Roy's POV
I got into the front seat and started to drive after buckling myself in. As I drove, I started thinking back to earlier today. When Ed snapped. I was determined to fix him. I didn't care how long it would take. I was going to do it. As I pulled into my drive way, I got out and opened Ed's door. I shook him gently and I heard him stir. His golden eyes opened slowly and he sat up. "Morning..." He said. I laughed softly and pulled him gently out of my car. As I went to put him down, he held onto me. I smiled softly and kissed his forehead. I held Ed in my arms and walked into my house. I set Ed down onto my couch. "What do you want eat Ed?" I asked him. He shrugged and I chuckled again, ruffling his hair. I walked into my kitchen and pulled out ingredients for a random dinner.
Ed's POV
After dinner, Roy and I decided to read. We sat down on his couch, reading our books. I moved close to Roy and hugged him. I  felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me close.
As I was reading my book, I started falling asleep. "Let's get you home now Ed." Roy said gently. "Okay." I responded. I stood up and so did Roy. "Bye. Thank you for dinner." I said, hugging him. Roy smiled and hugged me back. "Bye Ed. And your welcome." He replied. I pulled away and startee to walk out the front door. Once I was outside, it felt wet. It was raining. I ran back inside Roy's house and he raised and eyebrow. "Its raining outside." I explained. Roy nodded. "Okay...I guess your gonna have to spend the night here..." He responded. I nodded. "Follow me. I have a spare bedroom." He explained. I nodded and followed him upstairs. "Here you go. My room's right next door." He said. I nodded and hugged him again before he left. I took off my red coat and my black jacket. I laid down and fell asleep.
I looked up from the dark gray floor as the metal door opened. I looked up and saw the guard that would usually drag me away from Ross and Brosh. I screamed and kicked and cried for him to let me go. But he wouldn't. Eventually we made it to the one room that scared me horribly. I was thrown in and yelped as I was cuffed to the wall. Mia smiled at me. "Hello Edward. I hope your enjoying your stay." She said. My eyes widened as I screamed out in pain. "Your an idiot! I don't understand why so many people care about such a worhtless, weakling of an alchemist like you! No body cares! And no one is ever coming to save you!" She yelled at me. The more words she yelled, the more I cried and screamed. But slowly, I started to believe what she was saying. "Fullmetal!" A voice called. "Hey! Fullmetal! Wake up dammit!"
-End Of Nightmare-
I woke up to see Roy's face in mine, a look of worry in his eyes. "Ro-Roy?" I asked. I felt him hug me close. "Don't you ever say that no one cares. And that your worthless. And your far from an idiot Ed!" He said to me, hugging me closer to him. "Wait what...?" I asked. "I heard you crying. These walls are really thin you know. You were crying and mumbling stuff. I could only get out snippets of what you said." He explained. I hugged him back and started to cry. Roy stroked my hair softly. "Ed whats wrong?" He asked. "I-I ca-can't stop ha-having nightmares." I cried. Roy nodded and laid down, pulling me with him. "Okay. Then I'll just have to lay here you until these nightmares stop." He said. I nodded and snuggled close to him. I nuzzled my head into his chest. "I'll stay here until you fall asleep again okay?" He asked softly. I softly gripped his shirt anf Roy looked at me. "Ed..?" He asked. "Pl-Please stay...." I pleaded. He nodded and kissed my forehead, as he pulled me close. "Okay. I'll stay." He replied. I nuzzled my head into his chest again and hugged him. "I love you...." I said before falling asleep. "I love you too Ed." And with that we fell asleep, snuggling in the same bed.

Wow! This chapter was long! XD. So, for the sequel, I'm thinking of calling it "Saving Broken Metal" amd basically, Mia and the Lighting Alchemist go after Ed. Thats all I have so far. Lol. THIS CHAPTER WAS 1642 WORDS. ARE YOU PROUD OF ME?!

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