Of Frogs and Wolves

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To her surprise, Rosalia had been just over an hour's ride from Rose Castle, if she had known she was so close, she could have walked there within the day, but it was to her eternal relief that Julius had happened upon her.

Upon reaching the castle, her usual cast of servants swarmed her. Beldon's personal maid, Vanessa took charge of everything, soothing all worry from everyone and taking Rosalia away to bed.

She placed her in her favourite room, the rose room that Beldon had lived in when he had first come to the castle.

Dr. Jasper Rowe arrived after she had bathed, been groomed and put to bed. After checking her over, he declared that, for the most part, she was no worse for wear. Scrape up and bruised and naturally faint from her exploits but physically well.

When she had arrived back, neither Beldon nor Luka had been in the castle, both out searching for her but she had been told to not concern herself with them, to just sleep for the day and they would join her when she was up for company.

Also to her surprise, Rosalia slept the entire day and the sun had set once again when she woke up. Vanessa happened to check on her just as she woke up and called for Beldon soon after.


Her bedroom doors flew open barely a minute later and her brother burst into the room, throwing his arms around her, hugging her tightly as he sank onto the bed.

"Are you alright? I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I'm so sorry!"

Rosalia smiled, hugging him back, stroking his hair. "Now really, Bel, I handled myself quite well. There was no need for you to worry really."

Beldon pushed her back to arm's length, glaring. "No need to worry? Have you any idea what state your carriage was in when we found it? To think you were in there when it happened. And after finding Joshua and the horses in their state, of course I worried!"

"How is he?" Rosalia pressed, catching Beldon's arm as soon as he mentioned Joshua. "Was he alright? I saw him fall but that was it. And the horses?"

"Joshua will be alright," Beldon said, "his injuries were, admittedly, severe but he will recover completely. The horses... one didn't make it."

Rosalia's hand flew to her mouth. "What?!" she gasped.

"It would appear you was attacked, but Joshua can't remember seeing anything or anyone. Rosalia, what happened out there?" He set a hand against her cheek, resting his forehead against hers. "What must I do to make sure it never happens again?"

"Now, little brother, really," Rosalia said, taking his hand, "I really am alright. But, it was certainly a strange night."

And so she told him everything that had happened over the last few hours. From the card game, to Joshua's suspicion, the sudden breakup of the carriage then waking up in a broken down building followed by her escape, the chase through the woods and the wolves who pointed the way to hiding.

She didn't, however, mention the talking frog.

Of all her siblings, Beldon was the surest choice when it came to discussing that which was unnatural – his daily life was not normal in the slightest.

However, she simply felt there was no need. It didn't benefit Beldon to know and he was already distressed enough by what she was telling him.

It did remind her however that she had not held up her end of the deal. He had retrieved the ball for her and before he could request the change in his terms, she had left with Julius. Even with a frog, she had been taught to honour agreements and the knowledge that she hadn't weighted on her in that moment.

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