The Hand that Loves You

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Mr. Cliffwood was between her and Braydon in a second, his arm out like a barrier as his eyes turned to thunder.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed.

"I just told you," Braydon replied, "I'm asking the lady to dance."

"For your own wellbeing you should not be here," Mr. Cliffwood growled under his breath.

"Yet here I am," Braydon hissed back.

"Who is our unexpected guest?"

The trio looked around at the voice to find the hostess staring up at Braydon, confused as to his identity but also, unsurprisingly, annoyed as the appearance of a stranger.

Braydon turned to her, towering over her, making her jump, until he bowed his head towards her and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, even those up in the balconies.

"My name is Braydon Rose," he said and whispers shot through the crowd, eyes racing around to try and spot Luka. Braydon looked up to the balcony Luka and Beldon stood in and he pointed directly at him. "I am the brother of Lord Luka Rose."

Everyone turned their attention to Luka and Luka's hands – one holding the balcony railing, the other gripping Beldon's arm – both tightened at the attention.

"I didn't know you had a brother, Lord Luka," Miss Rosemary said, turning to him.

"I—" Luka said, his voice startlingly weak.

"Luka," Braydon snapped, making his brother jump. "Remember, presence of mind in the presence of others."

Luka blinked, then cleared his throat and released Beldon, straightening up, returning to his usual calm self.

"I do," he confirmed, "T... two brothers. This is Braydon, my older brother. He's... been away for a time, I didn't realise he was coming home."

Everyone looked back at Miss Rosemary and she looked at Braydon.

"And... I see you know our Rosalia," she said slowly.

"Before me stands a woman whom I love," Braydon said, his tone so firm it made everyone reel in astonishment, hands flying to mouths as Rosalia's face turned red.

Behind her she heard Lucinda begin to speak, the rage in her voice clear with the sound she managed to get out before Finnian covered her mouth, his hold still tight on her.

Miss Rosemary's eyes widened. "Oh," she said, shocked. "Well, I see we—"

"What nonsense is this?"

Rosalia looked past Mr. Cliffwood as Antoinette came through the crowd, literally shoving several spectators out of the way as she wrenched her mask from her face, staring at Braydon.

"I do not know who you are, sir, but whether or not you are Lord Luka's brother is irrelevant. It is impossible that you know my sister without our knowledge. Whatever relationship you believe you have with her is fabricated and I will not have you tarnishing my sister's reputation with your lies." Her eyes shot up to Luka and Beldon then back to Braydon. "Your family endangers our reputation enough as it is."

Rosalia stepped forwards, pushing Mr. Cliffwood's arm aside, about to defend Luka when Braydon turned on her sister, practically baring down on her, making her cringe in surprise.

"I am well aware of what you think of my brother and it is because of you and your family's cruelty that I have had to return unexpectedly, to give my brother the family support he so badly needs. Do not dare tarnish his character with your tarnished views," he hissed, brilliant green eyes nearly glowing behind his mask.

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