When Stalked by a Frog

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The following day was perhaps one of Rosalia's strangest days – this including being kidnapped, running around the woods, sleeping in a ruined castle and picking up a talking frog.

She spent the day stalking Luka.

In the years she'd known him, they got on well. In fact, out of all her siblings – apart from Beldon obviously – she got along with him the best. They all liked him – none shared their father's feelings (apart from maybe Antoinette seeing as she was always trying to set Beldon up, but it was more half-hearted these days).

But she and Luka got along well.

But, even being friends, it was somewhat hard to explain why she happened to end up in every single room he ended up in as the day wore on.

It wasn't her idea mind you. Her plan for the day had been to lounge in one of the parlours with tea and a book and finish the novel she had been reading before travelling to a friend's who had just come back to town for The Season.

But, no, she had to somehow – in an unsuspicious manner – follow Luka from room to room and sit there with her book until he left to do something else and she was prompted to follow again.

Prompted by whom? The Frog, of course.

He spent the entire day peering out from under her sleeves, looking over the top of her book and peeking out from under her hair. He didn't tell her why of course. Merely that he was interested.

Interested indeed.

She was interested in the growth of flowers but she didn't sit around to watch them grow and this was about as interesting as that.

Luka didn't do anything after all. He sat and read books. He worked. He drank tea. He avoided their father and most of his attention was on Beldon whenever they were in the same room together – which was often that day seeing as they were both working – Luka on things regarding court, Beldon on things regarding his studies.

Beldon did give her a few odd looks throughout the day when she kept turning up but didn't question her.

And then Beldon announced that evening that he was returning to Rose Castle and intended to stay until he left for the spring term at university in a few days – and The Frog was so insistent that they go with Beldon and Luka that Rosalia almost fell down the stairs in her haste to catch her brother before they left.

"Bel!" she practically shrieked as she came hurling down the steps, her brothers rushing forwards for fear that she'd trip. "Bel, I'll go with you!" she shouted and everyone in the entrance hall – Luka and servants included – started at her like she was insane.

"Really?" Beldon said, surprised, "I mean... are you sure? After what happened last time, I wouldn't have thought—"

"Nonsense," she said, waving it off, "I'm sure it won't happen again and I'll be travelling with more people. Besides, we have dresses to collect and I wish to check on Joshua. Now! I shall get ready, wait just a moment won't you." And she hurried back upstairs, leaving everyone staring after her.

Half an hour later and she sat in a carriage with Beldon and Luka who were eyeing her with confusion but neither wanting to be the one to bring her bizarre behaviour up, so she continued to let them think her mildly unhinged and cursed The Frog as it was his fault.

They arrived back late enough that it was decided everyone would take a quick dinner before retiring to bed for the day. It was quite the relief actually; everyone was so on edge; despite the most dangerous thing to occur the entire journey was a red squirrel giving them a rather suspicious stare while they were still in town.

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