A Deal with The Devil

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Despite shutting The Frog in the dressing room the night before, she nevertheless checked on him in the morning.

He was still sound asleep. The effort it must have taken him to continually take that human form was saddening; seeing as it was his true form it didn't seem fair.

She dressed for a walk in the park that day, with the intention of meeting Yumiko and, at the last moment, she decided to take The Frog with her, sliding him into her purse just before she left her room.

She had just reached the top of the stairs when she saw Beldon pulling the front doors open.

"Bel," she called and he stopped, not turning around. She lifted her skirts and quickly sped down the stairs. "Are you going out for the day?"

"Yes, I'm on my way to the club, Val and Con are already there, I'll be meeting them," Beldon said, not looking at her.

"I see, and Luka? Will you be meeting him?"

Beldon's gloved hand tightened on one of the door handles. "Luka is on business up north at the moment, he won't be returning until this evening, perhaps not even until tomorrow depending on business," he replied, his voice tight.

"Bel," Rosalia said gently, resting a hand on his arm. "Bel, look at me."

Beldon took in a sharp breath, holding it, straightening his back, before he turned to her.

He looked exhausted. There were bags under his eyes and a paleness to his features but it was the sight of his actual eyes that caught Rosalia off guard.

His eyes were red. The blue in them a startlingly sharp relief against the painful red though his gaze was hard and seemingly unperturbed.

"Bel," she started.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't speak to Luka when he returns," Beldon cut in and Rosalia removed her hand from his.

"Of course, I understand, I won't go near him," she promised, taking a step backwards and Beldon blinked.

His eyes suddenly softened. "Sorry," he said gently, "Sorry, I phrased that wrong. I meant, I didn't want you to mention the business about the army and the marriage to him when he returns, should you see him. I'd like to discuss it with him first."

"Oh," Rosalia said, putting a hand to her heart, which she realised was racing, "Oh of course. No, I won't mention anything."

"Thank you," Beldon said.

He moved away from her and Rosalia caught his arm again.

"Bel," she said, "About what Papa said, about joining the army. You won't really do it will you? You won't leave us for the army will you?"

Beldon just looked down at her for a moment, quiet before leaning down and kissing her cheek and stepping back. "See you later, Rose," he said softly, resting his top hat in place and nodding to her before walking out into the harsh spring sunlight, stepping into the waiting carriage and riding away, Rosalia watching him go.

She clutched her purse tightly as the carriage grew smaller and smaller down the carriageway. A sudden image flashed through her mind, an image of Beldon driving away to join some regiment... and never again coming back.

The thought sent a wild panic through her and she forced herself to release the purse when she remembered The Frog was in there.

Instead, she closed the doors behind her and sped down the steps, following the path of the carriage. She would walk to the park. Clear her mind and retain control of herself before she met with her friend.

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