The Invitation

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The next morning, Rosalia woke to a knock at the door, sitting bolt upright, eyes wide, looking around in confusion, the happenings of the night before a blurring fog in her memory.

"Good morning, Miss," her maid said, coming in with tea, setting it down and opening the curtains.

Rosalia slid out of bed and passed her, heading straight for the dressing room.

"Miss?" her maid called after her as Rosalia reached for her dolls house and pulled open the front walls.

The Frog looked up at her from the bed, giving her a look that told her to stop behaving strangely. Rosalia let out a breath, then quickly straightened up.

"Sorry," she said, closing the walls again, "I just needed to check on something."

Her maid looked at her in confusion but obviously let it slide and came into the dressing room to collect clothes for the day while Rosalia went to her tea.

She was dressed, her hair done and makeup for the day applied, then the maid bowed out to let her finish before she came down for breakfast and Rosalia ran back to doll's house and opened the doors for The Frog.

"Are you alright?" The Frog asked, hopping onto her open palm and looking back at her as they went back into the main bedroom.

"Yes," Rosalia said, setting him down on the vanity table. "Sorry... I suppose, as you were gone last week and that nightmare last night shook me worse then I thought, I worried something had happened. Irrational, I'm aware, you needn't worry."

"Are you sure, I'm sorry I scared you," The Frog said.

"Not at all," Rosalia said, smiling, before lifting her skirts and turning for him to see. "What do you think? One of my new dresses designed with pockets included."

"Beautiful," The Frog said and Rosalia smiled at him before holding out a hand and slipping him into the hidden pockets in the skirts.

The folds of the skirts hid him perfectly.

The went down for breakfast, picking and choosing from the usual spread in the morning room and she had just settled down when the doors opened.

She looked up as Antoinette walked in, pulling off her cape.

"Good morning, Anne," Marie-Fey said without looking up from her book.

"Good morning, girls," their sister replied, looking back as Valentine walked in, kissing her cheek and going to get food.

"How long are you staying with us this time?" he asked as a maid prepared him a tea.

"A week, for now. If Robert's work venture takes longer, I'll stay longer," Antoinette said, handing her gloves to the butler, "call my father and Con down for me, would you," she added, dismissing him before taking a tea and sitting down.

"You're practically glowing today, Anne," Valentine said, sitting down beside Marie-Fey and examining his twin's shimmering skin, "Good news?"

"Wonderful news," Antoinette said, smiling as Constantine and their father walked in.

Greetings and tea were passed around before everyone settled down and Antoinette faced them.

Valentine was right, she really was glowing.

"You can hardly leave us in suspense," Valentine said, taking a sip of his tea.

"Well," Antoinette said, folding her hands on her lap then looking at their father. "Papa, I hope you are ready to have a grandchild."

Everyone stared at her for a moment, before Rosalia and Marie-Fey rushed to their feet and swept across the room with a shriek of joy, throwing their arms around their sister and their brothers laughed and clapped and their father sat there in stunned silence.

"Oh congratulations, Anne!" Marie-Fey cried.

"When did you find out?" Rosalia asked.

"Only a few days ago, I'm so glad I learnt this before Robert left – of course now he's fussing over leaving me alone, which is part of the reason I'm here while he's away," Antoinette replied, before taking her sisters' hands and holding them tightly. "Honestly girls, I wish you would seriously consider marriage this year. To be able to start a family, it's such a wonderful thing."

"We know, Anne," Rosalia and Marie said together.

"You two should be grateful you are still so sought after during The Season – with all those young, new ladies being presented. Rose, you will of course be keeping your promise to meet Mr. Cliffwood at court, correct?"

"There was no promise," Rosalia pointed out, "We merely said we might both be there."

"That is as good as any promise, my dear. Is this one of your new dresses? I see they are as marvellous as ever. Oh Papa, don't cry, now really."

Their father had started to cry, covering his eyes as tears streamed down his face, the knowledge that he would soon have a grandchild overwhelming him. As Antoinette went to his side, her sisters glanced at each other then rolled their eyes.

As conversation was subtlety shifted away from marriage and back to the future baby and possible names, one of the footmen arrived with the mail.

The top letter caught Antoinette's attention in an instant – even if it wasn't for her – she could spot an invitation across the room, a somewhat useless special skill but a special skill nonetheless.

Opening it as their father took the rest for the letters, she pulled out the card and gasped.

"Everything alright?" Valentine asked.

"It's an invitation," she said, pressing the card to her chest.

"Well, yes, we noticed," Constantine said.

"No!" Antoinette said, waving the card at him, "It's an invitation, from Mr. Cliffwood! He's hosting the first ball of The Season! Oh gosh! Girls! Girls, we need to be sure all clothing is ready!"

She jumped out of her seat, running from the room, shouting for her personal maid; Marie-Fey following, shouting that she shouldn't be running.

"Here we go, another year, another Season," Constantine said, rolling his eyes.

"Lucky Beldon – escaping to school."

"I'd hardly call him lucky there."

"Yes, but you're a lazy student," Valentine said, smirking as the pair left, following their father who was following his eldest daughter.

"And so it starts," Rosalia said, smiling slightly as she waved the servants out of the rooms before finally finishing her breakfast and giving The Frog his.

"Do you look forward to Mr. Cliffwood's assembly?" The Frog asked.

"Hmm," Rosalia mused as she thought. "Well... Yes, I suppose I am," she said with a smile, glancing towards the gardens as sunlight streamed through from behind a cloud. "I wonder which dress I should wear. There would be no harm in making a good impression. Perhaps the red? Or maybe pink."

The Frog looked up at her as she smiled to herself, her attention strayed from him, before he looked down, his breakfast forgotten. 


Next up: Thursday

Art By: Google Image

Again, offer is still up for an early update because this chapter is so short. Let me know, if not - Thursday as usual. 

And YES! So we had a break in over the weekend - bit of drama I suppose, if nothing else. Everything was ok, no one was hurt and the guy was scared off before he could get anything. 

I've had houses that have been broken into but this was the first time i've ever been in the house at the same time as the thief.

Has anyone else had an experience like that?

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