Chapter 1

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I was running through a daisy field and I turned around smiling while getting chased by my crush Matthew Dallas. That's right you heard me Cameron dallas's son. I turned back around and tripped over something. I was still laughing but I stopped when Matthew was sitting down beside me. We were just staring into each others eyes for a long moment and then he starting leaning in. Our faces were inches apart and I leaned in abit more making our lips finally join together. "WAKE UPP!!" I jumped and sat up straight rubbing my eyes trying to catch my breath. I just glared at my mum and dad who was standing at the front door recording everything. "Really guys why are you waking me up so early?"I said to them.  "You have school numnuts"  dad saying to me In a duhh tone. I got out of bed and had a quick shower. I got dressed and I was wearing light blue washed skinny jeans, a white shirt that had that numbers 47 in black and my black high top converse shoes. I went downstairs and the smell of pancakes filled my nostrils. I sat down at the table where my mum and dad were eating breakfast. I looked at the time and i only had 10 minutes until the school bus comes to pick me up. I ate my pancakes as quick as I could so I got get to the bus stop on time. I ran back up stairs and cleaned my teeth then applied some makeup but not a lot. "Bye mum, bye dad" I said as I was walking down the stairs quickly. " have fun" they said. Have fun well isn't that I funny joke ughh school is so boring like wtf why do we have to wake up early to go to some stupid thing. I was walking to the bus stop and I can see Matthew..ooh man he was so good looking . Man I need to just act normal and don't look at him. I got there and he smiled at me so I smiled back of course. My face started to become hot so I need I was blushing. The bus came and I got on and sat near the back. A couple minutes went by and we alerts at school. I got of the bus and went straight to my locker and grabbed the books I needed for the day.

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