Chapter Eight

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~Mikayla's pov~

I woke up the next morning on the couch, Daphne no longer cuddling with me. I sat up and saw my brother laying on the floor. "You know, you could've slept in the other room. Nobody is sleeping in it now" I whispered in his ear. "Before anyone uses it, you need to get bitch repellant" he said, groaning and rolling over to look at me. "Aren't you funny" I said sarcastically. "No make me breakfast." "Yes mam." I walked down the hall to Abby's room, finding it empty. "Where's Abby?" I called to Jake. "She took the dogs for a walk. She should be home soon." I shrugged before walking back to the lounge and turning on morning cartoons.

After breakfast, we all sat down to watch cartoons for two hours. We would've watched more if I hadn't gotten a phone call. I got up and walked to my room before I answered my phone. "Hello?" "Hi Mikayla. It's Liz." "Oh, hi Liz. What's up?" "Can you keep Daphne? There isn't room at my house with Molly and Luke when he's home. I know he misses Daphne but I feel like you and Abby can take better care of her than he can." "I'll talk to Abby really quick" I said before pulling the phone away from my ear. "Hey Abby, come here real quick." I waited for her to get here before I explained to her what Liz wanted. "That should be good. But if he wants Daphne when he's in LA, let him have her while they are here" she said before walking back to the lounge to watch TV with my brother. I closed my door again before putting my phone back to my ear. "She said that good. Luke can take Daphne and take care of her whenever they are in LA." "Ok good. I don't want that dog to spend more time on a bus than outside and I know you and Abby take your dogs on walks every day and go to the dog park." "Yeah. We'll take good care of Daphne for him. Be sure to tell Luke she misses him though." "I will. Thanks for doing this." "You're welcome" I said before hanging up.

I walked out to the lounge after a while of just sitting on my bed thinking, 'Oh my god, I just had a normal conversation with a celebrities mom. And that celebrity is the love of my life'. I realized the apartment was too quiet before I asked Abby where the dogs were. "They are at the groomers. They should be done soon." "oh, ok. Jake can we go out today?" "Sure. What do you want to do?" "Mini golf sound good?" "Yup. I'll go get ready" he said before walking into the bathroom to shower. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at Abby. "What's your plan for today then?" "I'm gonna pick up the dogs, then I'll probably take them to the park." "If they were just at the groomer, why would you take them to the park? You would have to give them baths when we get home." "Yeah. My logic isn't right but they haven't been to the park since before we left." "True, ok. I should probably get ready."

An hour later, my brother and I were walking out the door, him giving me a piggy back ride. Once we got to the mini golf place, we goofed off and acted like little kids because who doesn't act like a kid sometimes? Once we finished mini golfing, we went to get pizza before going to an elementary school not to far from the apartment to play at the park.

~Courtney's pov~

I had just joined the band on tour, being as Calum is my boyfriend. "Cal just tell the fans the truth. We've been together for a year, they should know." "I just don't want them to hate you." "I don't care what they think of me." "Well you should. They won't be happy I'm in a relationship." "Exactly. I have something they don't and I don't care how it makes them feel. I'm happy and so are you, but we need to tell them. We can't keep fighting over this." He groaned before walking off. We've been arguing about this for the last four months and he wants to keep it a secret but he won't be able to for much longer with how famous the band is getting. I went to the back lounge where the boys were, avoiding the front lounge since Calum was there and I didn't want to face him right now.

~Luke's pov~

Ashton, Michael, and I were sitting in the back lounge when we heard Calum and Courtney arguing which has become normal in the last four minutes. One of them ends up walking off and they won't talk for a week. "Have you heard anything from your mom on how Shelby is?" Mike asked me. "No. I'll talk to her when we get home later." "Ok. You still miss her a lot?" "Yeah. She gave me a break from the fans when I needed it. She was always there." "You'll see her again" Ash said to me before the three of us turned back to the TV. The fight stopped about five minutes ago and Courtney was walking into the lounge. "Hey Courtney. Where's Cal?" "Hey guys. He's in the front lounge" she said while sitting on the couch between Michael and I. "Ok. I'll go talk to him" Ash said before walking out to talk to cal.

We got home about an hour ago and to say I missed Australia is an understatement. It's nice to come home because we get a break from each other and we get to see our families which we normally don't see when we are on tour. This break will be nice since we don't have to hear Courtney or Calum fight for a couple weeks. As soon as I saw my mom, I was asking her about Daphne. "Luke, I know you aren't fully capable of taking care of a dog, so I talked to the people watching her right now." "Ok" I questioned, not liking where this was going. "I asked them to keep Daphne." "Why would you do that?" "Because Luke. You can't have a dog on tour, they need to spend time outside and these people are willing to, they have dogs of their own and agreed to this." "When am I going to see my dog then? You gave her away without asking me." "They agreed that every time you and the band or just you are in LA that you can have her for your stay. They are willing to let you see her. They aren't hiding her from you." "I still don't like what you did" I said while pouting. "Oh shut up Luke" she said, pulling me into a hug. "I really missed home" I said into her shoulder.

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