Chapter 6

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More screams. They ruined it. Justin an I were having a moment, when we here a scream from the other side of the store. We separated, looked at each other in horror, then ran back to the front entrance. I saw Meghan lying on the ground and Brooke and Allyson standing beside her looking worried.

"What happened?!" I yelled as I bent down beside Meghan.

"Is she dead?" Justin said, putting my hand on my shoulder. I picked up Meghan's hand and held it. I closed my eyes. What I she really was dead? I already lost Alex, now Meghan? She was my best friend! I started to cry again, then I fell into Justin's arms. He patted my back.

"It's ok." He whispered. We both bent down to Meghan. Justin put his hand on Meghan's heart. Then he smiled.

"Her heart is beating. She's alive. She probably just fainted." I sighed in relief. Thank goodness. I reached over to the water bottle section and grabbed one. I splashed water on Meghan's face. She suddenly sat up.

"What? Uh..." Meghan said as she rubbed her head. All of us hugged her.

"What happened?" Justin asked.

"After you left, we all started to get scared. Then all of a sudden, someone pulled Tyler into an isle! We tried to follow them, but they disappeared. Then everything when black."

"You fainted." Justin said. I was relieved that it was only fainting. But suddenly, Meghan burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" Allyson asks.

"TYLER! He's gone! Forever!" She gets up and runs away. We give each other worried looks.

"Justin. Eliza, Allyson and I will go calm down Meghan. You wait here." Brooke said.

"No." I stood beside Justin. "If we leave him alone, he might disappear like Alex and Tyler. He's coming with us." I held his hand. Brooke shrugged. We ran after Meghan, trying to find her. We found her sitting in the holiday area.

"Meghan! What's wrong?!" I sat down beside her and hugged her. She was holding something. I took it out of her hands. It was a picture of Tyler, and it was all wet from her tears. She looked at me.

"What if he's gone forever? I loved him." "We're going to find him. Alex too." Brooke said, bending down beside us. Brooke and I held hands with Meghan, then Justin held hands with Allyson and I.

"We're in this together." Justin said. We all ran through the store, screaming Tyler's name. The last place that we needed to look was the frozen food isle. I walked up to the freezers and looked in each one of them. In the very last freezer I saw something horrible.

"Justin? Meghan? I think you need to see this

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