Rainy Pt.1 (Foxxay)

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Prompt: Cordelia's daughter, Rainy, brings back Misty from Hell.

Rainy, 8 year old daughter of the supreme, Cordelia Goode, always wondered who Misty Day was. She was curious what her mothers tattoo "Misty" was for. She always wondered why she could hear her mothers cries as night; her nightmare about Misty leaving her again. So, Rainy took it upon herself to find out. She got up from the couch and looked for her Aunt Zoe.

"ZOE!" The young blonde yelled.

"In here, Rain." Zoe called out.

"I got a question for you." Rainy said as she approached the older girl.

"What's up?"

"Who's Misty?" The curly blonde asked.

"She's a woman who used to live here." Zoe answered, unsure of how much she should reveal to the child.

"What happened to her?"

"She died.. You know the seven wonders your mommy's always talking about?" Zoe asked, and Rainy nodded for her to continue.
"Well, Misty died while trying to complete the seven wonders."


"She's stuck in hell." The light brown haired witch replied.

"Can we get her back?" Rainy asked.

"I don't think so, Rainy. Your Momma has tried for a long time to get her back."

"Oh.. Where's her body?" Rainy asked.

"It's gone.. Well it's ashes now. See, Rain, when Misty died her body turned to ashes."

"Where are they?"

"Why do you want to know?" Zoe questioned they girl.

"I just want to... I've been having these weird feelings, and dreams about Misty.. How momma's always thinking about her. I just want to know who she was, so I can understand." Rainy explained.

"Alright.. Don't tell Cordelia that I told you. They're in a box, and that box is buried in the green house under the lilacs."

"Oh.. Okay.. Thank you." Rainy said and walked off.

Zoe was confused on why the girl wanted to know where Misty's ashes were, but she left it alone.

Later that night while everyone was asleep, Rainy walked to the greenhouse and where the lilacs were. She dug up the box, and placed it on the table. Rainy wasn't exactly sure what she was doing, but she knew that she needed to do something. She had this feeling inside for months now that something was calling her to find out who Misty was. Along with the dreams she had been having of seeing Misty.

Rainy placed her small hands over the box, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She exhaled and started to feel light headed. Next thing Rainy knew she was laying in the ground. She opened her blue eyes and looked up at a woman she had only imagined.

Misty looked down at the girl curios of who she was. She could see the girl had piercing blue eyes, and wild bright blonde curls, somewhat similar to hers.

"Are ya' okay?" The unruly blonde asked the child.

"Uh-huh.." Rainy said as she nodded her head.

"Are ya' sure? Ya' been laying there for awhile." The blonde spoke in a thick accent.

"Mhm.. Are you... Are you Misty?" Rainy asked as she finally stood up.

"Yes.. Who are ya'?" Misty asked the young girl who was in shock.

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