Asexual (Foxxay)

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This comes from the idea that Misty is asexual... idk where this came from.... enjoy?


Misty had been here so many times. Usually something came up, or there was an interruption... but, not now. They were home alone.

She loved her, there was no doubt about that, but she just couldn't feel it like she thought she should.

She felt Cordelia's kisses falling lower and lower, but still nothing. She thought that maybe if it went this far, that something new would spark within her, but no. Of course not.

"Dee," she said softly.

The older witch took her name as a moan as she came between her lover's thighs.

"Delia," she said firmer this time.

The woman's eyes flickered up, and saw the dissatisfaction on Misty's face, and the tears that looked like they were ready to fall. She moved, sitting next to the younger woman. "What's wrong?"

"I-I... I don' know. I just... I can't."

"Can't what?"

"Have sex." Misty sat up, pulling the blanket over herself. She wasn't self-conscious, or ashamed of her body, but feeling venerable like this was far too much for her to handle.

"I understand if you're not ready, Mist. I'm sorry, baby."

The girl shook her head, feeling tears rolling down her cheeks. "I-I... I don't like sex. I don't like the idea of it. I'm sure I won't like the feelin' of it either. I'm sorry," her words became shaky towards the end.

The headmistress move closer to the unruly blonde. She wrapped her arms around Misty, pulling her into a loving embrace. "I understand."

"I love ya... I love ya a lot, a-and I want it, but I just can't."

"That's okay."

Misty pulled away, wiping away her tears. "I don' understand why I'm like this. I just don' feel it. I-I d-don' even know what it is. I just don' feel somethin' that I think I should."

"You don't feel aroused." Cordelia said.

"Yeah," she looked down at her lap, messing with her rings. "I'm sorry."

"Baby girl, quit apologizing. I get it, okay? I understand. You can't help how you feel. If you don't want to have sex, then I won't force it upon you. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable in anyway... I want to make you comfortable, and if that means no sex, then that's fine." Cordelia said softly, lovingly.

"But... don' ya get...?

The older witch nodded softly, "Yes. But, that doesn't mean I'll make you do something you don't want to do."

"But, I want to please ya." Misty sighed unhappily. "I love ya, a-and I wanna do what girlfriends do."

Cordelia pulled the taller witch back into her embrace, and into her lap. She made her look straight into her chocolate eyes. "Misty, listen to me. I don't care. I love you all the same. I will not, and won't let you do something you don't want to. It's okay, I promise."

Her tears started again. Her head nestled into the crook of her lover's neck. "I-I lo-love ya... s-s-so much."

The headmistress squeezed her tighter, kissing the top of her head. "I love you too, Mist."


The next day Misty locked herself in the office to do some research on Cordelia's computer. She didn't really know her way about the computer, but Cordelia had down her a thing or two.

She got onto Google, and spent a good hour or two reading, and researching whatever she could. She even took notes on things she wanted to talk to Cordelia about.

A small knock at the door pulled the Cajun from her writing. She looked up to see the door unlock on its own, and in came her lover with a raised brow.

"What are you doing?"

"I was lookin' some stuff up." Misty answered, her eyes still on the screen.

"With the door locked?" The headmistress went around the desk, looking over the curly headed blonde's shoulder to the computer and her notes. "Asexual?"

"It's what I am... the problem."

Cordelia put on her glasses, reading over the notes Misty had written out. She placed a small kiss on the side of the girl's head.

"It's not a problem, baby girl. I said the same thing last night. You should get that from what you're reading and writing. You are wrote what I am reading, you should understand that."

Misty nodded softly, "I-I am... I do..."

"Tell me more about all this." The older witch said before sitting on top of the desk.

"Well," the girl sat back in the office chair, and picked up her notes. "Basically, I'm just incapable of being aroused... or wantin' sex. I read that some people try, and they feel somethin'... and other's don'. Some of 'em can get that release of feeling through... masturbatin'." She explained.

"Have you tried that?"

"Yeah..." Misty looked down at her lap. "I've tried, and nothin'. That's how I kinda knew that I just don' like it. I don' enjoy being touched, and I just don' get satisfaction from it."

Cordelia reached out, taking her lover's hand in her own. "I understand... as I said, it doesn't matter. This doesn't make me love you any less. Okay?"

The younger woman nods. "I just hate it... I thought maybe we could try, b-but I don' know if I can."

"Hey," the headmistress said, making the taller blonde look up. "I understand, I really do. I love you, I'll say that as many times as you need me to." She smiled, and moved so she was sitting on Misty's lap. "I love you."

"Maybe say it just one more time," the girl teased.

"I love you, Misty Day."

Misty laughed softly, finally feeling at ease about the whole thing. "I love ya too, darlin', a whole lot."

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