Midnight Mishaps Pt.1 (Foxxay)

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Cordelia turned once again, looking at the clock that sat on her nightstand. 11:46 PM. She let out a heavy breath and got out of bed. Tonight she was alone in the Coven, Fiona had taken the girls on a field trip to Salem, so when she heard a sound coming form down the hall, she was frightened. She tiptoed down the hallway, and heard the sound louder this time. It was a breathy moaning sound. She stepped closer to the door, and pressed her ear to it. She could clearly hear soft, breathy, high-pitched moans. She stepped back and looked around, and realized she was standing in front of Misty's door.

She knew she should just walk away, and give the girl her privacy, but she couldn't help herself. She pressed her ear back to the door, and listened again as she bit on her lower lip. She closer her eyes as the image of the Cajuns magnificent body in her mind. She had always wondered what Misty looked like in her nakedness. She always wanted to hear the girl moan, but she wanted to be the cause of it.

Her eyes went wide when she heard the girl moan a name, not just any name, her name. "C-Cordelia!" She stepped away from the door, turned on her heels, and headed for the stairs. After making her way to the kitchen she made herself a cup of tea, and sat at the table.

Time passed, it felt like hours, but it was only twenty minutes. The headmistress could hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and headed her way. She turned her head, and saw the Cajun Queen in just a tank top and shorts on. Her curly blonde locks were up in a messy bun, and her cheeks were flushed, as her chest was as well.

"Oh, Miss Cordelia, I-I'm sorry... I thought ya' were sleepin."

"It's okay, honey. Do you want me to make you some tea?"

"Uh, sure." The taller witch sat down at the table, next to the other blonde.

After Cordelia made another cup of tea, and refilled her own, she sat back down next to the necromancer. "Here you go."

"Thank ya'." Misty spoke softly as she took the cup from the others hands, their fingers touching briefly.

"Why aren't you with Fiona and the other girls?"

"I just wasn't feelin' up to it. I got these weird vibes before we were 'bout to get on the plane."

"Oh, okay. Could you not sleep?" Cordelia asked, even though she knew what the other witch was doing up in her room.

"Um... Kinda." Misty looked down at her cup that was still full.

Delia could tell the younger witch was blushing; she placed her hand on the girls own, and gave it a light squeeze. "I like you, too."


"I-I heard you, and I heard you say my name... I like you, too, Misty."

The Cajun pulled her hand away as her eyes went wide. She looked down in her embarrassment, and placed her hands in her lap. "I-Miss Cordelia, I did-didn't mean for ya' to hear anythin'... Oh, God." She shook her head.

"No, Misty. It's okay, I shouldn't have said anything, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have listened in on you, I invaded your privacy." The headmistress stood up, taking her cup of tea with her, and headed for the stairs.

"Wait." Misty grabbed the older witches arm.


"Ya' like me too?"

"Yes, a lot actually."

The Cajun stood, and stepped closer to the shorter blonde. "If ya' like me so much, then kiss me."

Without hesitation, Cordelia pressed her lips to the taller woman's cupid-bowed ones. Misty cupped the woman's face with her hands, as the headmistress wrapped her free hand around the Cajuns waist. She backed the unruly curled blonde up to the table, and set her cup down. Now with both hands on the taller witches hips, she moved them down to her ass.

As their tongues fought in a heated embrace for dominance, Cordelia picked up the necromancers and placed her on the table. Misty pulled away, breathing heavy, and let out a small chuckle. She looked down, her hands still wrapped around the other woman's neck.

"What's wrong?" Cordelia was suddenly filled with fear that she had taken this to far.

"Nothin'... I just-I never thought this would happen. Me and ya', doin' somethin' like this." She looked down, as a smile spread across her lips.

"I did."

"Ya' did?"

Cordelia moved her hand from under the younger woman's thigh, up to her chin, forcing her to look up. "Yes, I've been wanting to say something. To tell you that-that I felt something for you. But..."


"I was scared. I didn't know if you liked me too, at least not until tonight."

"I-I felt the same way. I was scared you'd reject me or-or somethin'. You're the first person I've ever really had feelin' for. I don't know what it is 'bout ya'... I just always felt like we had some sort of connection."

"I have too." Cordelia gave the younger woman's a soft, yet loving kiss. "Why don't we go back upstairs... A-And maybe I can show you how I feel."

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