Ugly Pt.1 (Foxxay)

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This comes from my new one-shot story, Trouble, about Cordelia. Since it's Foxxay related I thought I should put it here as well. Let me know if I should do a second part to this.

I know I still need to do a second part to Christmas Party, which is in the works.


Cordelia was never fond of her body. Being ridiculed by her mother for years never help her self-esteem either. She never quite understood why Fiona treated her the way she did, without thinking that her mother hated her with her whole bring, making her hate herself, just as Fiona did.

Over the years it only got worse. Girls showed up to the house, who Cordelia thought was the perfect girl; the perfect height, the perfect weight, the perfect shape of her breast to waist to ass ratio, the perfect hair, and the perfect eyes. It never helped when those perfect girls pointed out things Cordelia already hated about herself.

When she met Hank, for a while it seemed better. There was someone who said they loved her, and occasionally showed that to her. Though, overtime it dwindled down. The more trips Hank took, the less they saw each other, and the less she felt loved.

When they found out she couldn't bear a child, it seemed like all the work she did to make herself feel better disappeared in the matter of seconds. To her that was the last straw, and to everyone around her it was obvious she had no respect for herself, she didn't care, and she didn't have anything to care about.

Then, someone new came into her life. Misty seemed like a bright light she had never seen before. A light she felt everyone else had seen at least once in their life. But, for her this was new, and it gave her a glimmer of hope.

Just after she regained sight, Cordelia knew the Cajun would be in the greenhouse, and made her way there. She turned the corner, peering into the room. Her eyes met who she saw as a goddess; golden blonde hair, ocean like blue hues, sun kissed skin, and sculpted like an angel.


The younger witch looked up from her plant, her eyes meeting one blue and one brown. A smile appeared on her lips, and it warmed the headmistress's heart. "Hey, there."


Cordelia walked further into the room, an overwhelming scent of floral invading her nose as she walked over to the table where the other witch sat. She sat across from Misty, looking down at the plant the girl had in her hands.

"I'm not exactly gettin' this." Misty said.


The other blonde read over the Latin spell, trying to revive the dying plant in front of her. She sighed in defeat as she looked upon her work.

"Say it with more intent. You have to be strong as you say any spell, especially when it comes to Latin."

"Would ya... would ya mind helpin' me?"

Cordelia stood back up. She grabbed the card with the spell written out, and she held it in front Misty. She started chanting, and the other witch joined in with her. As the plant sprouted, flowers grew, and strawberries came right after.

Misty let out a small laugh as she smiled widely. Cordelia watched her, seeing how happy she was, and it made her just as happy. She picked one of the strawberries and smiled as she ate it. "You'll get the hang of it."

"Ya're an amazin' teacher, Miss Cordelia, and, an amazin' leader."

The headmistress's smile dropped as she looked down, swallowing the strawberry. "I'm not the leader of this Coven. That's Fiona."

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