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Jaden-ehh.. Talking

Yn-mhm ok. I knew you dealing weed you could have told me

Jaden-what are you talking about?

Yn- Jaden I saw you come out wit 50, why you being like dat?

Jaden-..... Okay, but you don't know what I was doing

Yn-Jaden you bought a bag of weed from yo little friend T, why can't you just tell me?! Tre and Jay do it too

Jaden- well yea, Yn, I deal wit weed. I am in the gang. Are you happy now?!

Yn-*turns around* if it wouldn't take yo ass 15 minutes to tell the truth

Jaden- why you playing games?

Yn-why you lying?

Jaden- I just told you the truth!

Yn- like an hour ago!

Jaden- I really don't care anymore

Yn-you don't have to care 'anymore'

Jaden- and like I said, I don't care anymore

Yn pov

I had put my shoes on and grabbed my keys and was about to go take a walk before Jaden had stood in front of the door.

Yn- move please

Jaden-where are you going?

Yn- to go take a walk

Jaden-mm ok

Yn- why do you even care anyway?!

Jaden-*sits down* because I love you Yn!

Yn- well it doesn't seem like that when you can't agree to what I'm telling you!

I had swung the door open and Ms.Betty was at the door with a worried look like she was about to knock.

Ms.B- is everything alright, baby girl?

Yn-yes, everything is fine Ms.Betty

Ms.B- ok because I had heard yelling and I had just came to check on you

Yn- ok, thank you

Ms.B- your welcome, honeybun

I had walked out behind her and she went back to her house and I went outside and sat on the swings. I had started to swing for a little while until I saw a body figure come and sit on the second swing by me.


Tre-oh.. Hey Yn. I didn't expect to see you here at this time

Yn-and why are you here?

Tre-I come here on some nights, no reason

Yn- oh, okay

Tre-your not so happy are you?

Yn- not really, no

Tre-what's wrong?

Yn-*stops swinging* Jaden is crazy


Yn- he wouldn't tell me that he dealt wit weed, and I know that he did from the last time I saw him smoke it

Tre-oh, I see. Just like me right?

Yn-*chuckles* yea, why did you leave Yo twins on the stairs the other day?

Tre- I was just standing there with them and they just kept pushing me out the door


Tre- okay, okay. I couldn't stand to see you with someone else. So I had decided to leave, and they didn't want to come with me. And I did take them to the carnival and got them some stuff and stuff. I figured King had told you that I didn't take them anywhere

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