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Yn-okay, go into your room and I'll come get your stuff ready

King-*runs in his room*

Yn-so, young man..

Jaden-*bites on her collarbone*

Yn-*chuckles* No, Jaden not this... *laughs*Dont start nothing you can't finish..

Jaden-who said I couldn't finish it? Cause I can get King dressed and drop him off at Jay's and then finish what I started

Yn-no Imma take my son to the carnival

Jaden-*goes into the kitchen* King I'm taking you to Jay's house!!

King-*runs in* for real?!

Jaden-who taught you how to dress?

King- Jaden

Jaden-give me some*daps him*

Yn-awe, look at my big boy*kisses his cheek*

King-stop it mommy!

Yn-you act like I can't kiss you

King-we going to the carnival?!

Jaden-mommy has to get ready first, and I have to change my clothes.

King-huh! Well hurry up mommy, can you get me a Popsicle Jaden

Jaden-*grabs him one* hurry up Yn

I had ignored them and went and took a shower. I then stepped out and went into my room where Jaden was doing his hair.

Jaden-what took yo sexy ass so long, and hurry up!

Yn-ohh, suck my ass and don't rush me

Jaden-I rushed dat ass if my life depends on it

I had put lotion on my body and got dressed. I put on some high wasted white jeans, with a acid vest shirt with a knot in front. I strapped a belt on, as I had brushed my hair into a high messy bun and went to go brush my teeth.

Jaden-King come into the bathroom so I can brush yo hair

King had came into the bathroom with Popsicle juice all on his hands, sleeves and shirt.

Jaden-dang nigga. What did you do?

King-my Popsicle fell on the floor

Jaden-fu-dang, let's go change into a outfit like mommy

King-mommy outfit is for girls

Jaden-then lets get fresh like me


I had got finished and grabbed my Huaraches and grabbed me a bowl of cereal. Jaden and King had came in wearing white cargos, a light red with Elmo on it muscle shirt and legends, except King was wearing his red Roshe Ones.

Jaden-are you ready?

Yn-who driving?

Jaden-I can if you want

Yn-okay, King go get your bag

I had went to my room and grabbed my purse, my glasses with clear lens, and I don't have Ray Bans because I'm not that rich, and my perfume and lotion. Jaden had cleaned up King's mess as I had sprayed King with a dab of cologne and we had left.

Yn-*straps King in* where's your bag at?

King-inna front seat

Yn-okay*kisses his forehead*

I had got into the front as Jaden had started his car.


We had paid for our wrist bands and looked at all the rides.

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