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We had got out and walked up to the door. I had my had around her soft waist just in case she was scared. I started to feel her shake as we walked threw the hallway. All of the stuff that I said, didn't happen. It was just smells of liquor, weed, hot sex while familiar voices was yelling at the glowing flat screen since it was football season.

Jaden-Jamal and tray, come here

Tray-nigga the game on

Jaden-it's important

They both had set their bottles down and walked out the room. Tray had shut the door and stood by Jamal.


Jaden-this is Taylor, and she wants to join


Jamal-why you having 13 year olds join?!*laughs*

Taylor-*eyes water*

Jaden-guys! She 19 and Yn's height, stop judging baby girl

Tray-so you want to join, baby girl?


Tray-have you done this before

Taylor-the only way I took care of myself. My dad got shot doing it and my mom.. She got killed by a big guy

Jamal-what's his name?

Taylor-Ricky J

Jaden-woo! I thought she was about to say Rick

Tray-alright, um... Can you explain this Jamal?

Jamal-*rolls his eyes* so you lay down on a soft couch, all your have is your sweats and underwear off since you got a crop top on.

Taylor-okay, is it in order?

Jaden-Jamal, Me, tray, unless you wanna pick

Taylor-oh okay, I'm ready

Jaden-go into the white and red door and get ready

Taylor-okay*goes into the room*

Tray-she bad as fuck

Jaden-you wasn't saying that when y'all was laughing

Jamal-let me get this shit over with

Jaden-hold on*goes in the room* baby girl you ready?

Taylor-yeah, isn't there an easier way?

Jaden-no, but Jamal is about to come in here. Just ask him to take it slow, alright baby girl?


Jaden-*walks out* Jamal don't ran yo self into her

Jamal-why would I? I have a girlfriend at home*walks in*

Jaden-damn man

Tray-what wrong?

Jaden-she gotta go threw this, and--

Tray-you took ha outta stripping?

Jaden-how you know?

Tray-the girl that got killed, I took ha out, and I invite her. I never knew she was a Virgin


Jamal-*walks out* baby girl got bad

Tray-I got this*walks in*

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