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Jay-*picks Amarius up* you don't push people

Yn-right, I gotta glock in my rari *roars*

Amarius-*cries harder*



Jaden-bro, why y'all both crying?*picks Brian up*

Yn-cause Amarius pushed Brian over so I scared him

Jaden-*laughs* I bet he go be a scaredy cat when he get older

Jay-no he not, and it's not my fault. He go cuss you out when he get older

Jaden-oh, okay

Jay-Mariah you ready?


Jay-okay, come on

Jaden-where she going?

Jay-to Tre's

Jaden-ohh, bye baby girl


I had got up and went downstairs behind them. Jay had strapped Amarius in his seat and Y'Anne had grabbed his diaper bag.

Y'Anne-I'm tired of yo boyfriend


Y'Anne-scaring my baby boy

Yn-*laughs* that wasn't him the second time

Y'Anne-bye, I don't like y'all


I had locked the door behind them and went upstairs. Jaden was cleaning up Mariah's room while Brian was laying down on one of her pillows, chewing on his fingers.

Yn-she mad at us


Yn-because we scared Amarius

Jaden-so. He should have never pushed him

Yn-that was after you scared him downstairs

Jaden-still, I don't care

Yn-well..*sits on her bed*

Jaden-did you want to do anything today?

Yn-I can't. He can't go out at this time

Jaden-I just took him out today


Jaden-because I had to get Mariah and Nathan

Yn-ugh, that doesn't count

Jaden-of course it doesn't

Yn-why are you acting like this?

Jaden-I'm not acting like anything

Yn-your not?


Yn-so, why you acting like you being distant?

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