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Yn-*drops Jaden, goes to the door*

Jaden- my fucking head yo!!

Yn-*opens the door* heyy Brandon

Brandon- hai Yn, Kyla, and Lucas and..

Jaden- Yn's baby daddy

Yn- his name is Jaden, heyy baby bre


Brandon-*sits down*

Yn-*shuts the door and pulls Jaden's hair up*

Jaden-*screams* that hurts!!

Brandon- bro shut the fuck up

Yn- Brandon stop, what's wrong?

Kyla- Yn go get dressed we gotta go out its to many boys in here

Yn- your pregnant, bae

Kyla-*turns to Lucas* I fucking hate you

Lucas-*chuckles* I love you too

Brandon- Ger'Miah had left Bre on my doorstep wit a note saying she has nothing to do with us anymore

Yn- awe😔

Brandon- yea and my girlfriend is pregnant so.. Congrats me

Yn- what's her name

Brandon- Kylie

Kyla-*sighs* ooh, I thought you was about to say me


Yn-well, YALL gon crash here or..

Kyla- I might as well, I'll sleep on Mariah floor

Yn- I mean.. Ok

Jaden-YALL just left a nigga out, ok it's coo

Kyla- what are you talking about?!

Jaden- if my body wasn't hurting and nobody was here I would yell my lungs out at chu

Yn- he's just tired that's all

Brandon- what is wrong wit him?

Yn- he got kicked on his side by Lucas

Brandon- oh, why?

Yn- he thought that Jaden was hurting me.

Brandon- oh yea, and if you even lay a gush of hurting air on Yn I swear to god.. We gon be doing a snoopy dance outside of yo hospital room door while you in a coma. iight?!

I had my hand on Jaden's chest and felt his heart beating very fast and it seemed like he was about to cry.

Yn-*picks Jaden up* Yall are so mean. I cannot believe yall. And yall can look in every closet til yall find yall own covers and pillows

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