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Mariah-are we?

Jaden-yes, now go wash ya face

She had climbed off of me and threw her stuff away. I had watched her as she went into the bathroom and watched T stare at me.

T-you let her talk to you like that?

Jaden-What are you talking about?

T-she just yelled at me!

Jaden-and? She shoved a cookie in my mouth and jumped me with King

T-man, she weird

Jaden-like her momma

Mariah-I done

Jaden-come here, let me check

Mariah-*smiles and pulls his arm*

Jaden-hold on, imma get her dressed

I had took Mariah to her room and sat her on her dresser. I had pulled out a pair of underwear, a t-shirt and put it on her. I gave her a long sleeve shirt, some pink leggings, and set her boots on the dresser.

Mariah-I don't wanna wear that!

Jaden-so what you wearing mamas?

Mariah-some pants like mommy


Mariah-*nods her head*

I had got her out a black sweat outfit and gave it to her as she squealed. She put her t-shirt on and put her outfit on.

Mariah-I wanna were those

Jaden-what are those?

Mariah-*giggles* my black shoes

Jaden-these? Girl, I'll let you were those, and I'll but you some

Mariah- I don't want anymore. Gimme your phone

I had unlocked my phone and gave it to her and set her in the living room. I had went into my room and threw on a grey sweat outfit and the same shoes as Mariah.

Jaden-T left?

Mariah-he be back tonight

Jaden- ohh, go grab you a juice and let's go

She had grabbed a juice and I picked her up and locked the door. I had strapped her in her seat and started the car.

Mariah-I want some fries

Jaden-you just had a granola bar

Mariah-*whines* I want fries

Jaden-I'll get you some, and stop kicking my seat

Mariah-I want your phone

I had gave my phone to Mariah as soon as Yn had FaceTimed me.

Mariah- hi mommy

Yn-hi baby girl, where's Jaden?

Mariah- he driving


Jaden-I'm right here*grabs his phone* hi big head

Yn-hey, where y'all going?

Jaden-to chuck e. Cheese, get some ice cream and prolly a few other stores

Mariah- and some fries!

Jaden-and some fries

Yn-ooh, well call me when you finish

Mariah-*snatches the phone* bye mommy

Yn-bye Riah*hangs up*

Jaden-you so mean

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