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I was 8 months pregnant, not trying to get any bigger than what I am. I found out that King wanted to stay with his dad and Mariah wanted to stay with me. We had moved into the house that Jaden had bought, even though he's not here. They had accepted him into working overseas. Y'anne and Kyla just had another girl named Kennedy and Y'Anne had a son named Amarius over a few months ago. Right now, I was on FaceTime with Jaden while I was decorating our baby's room.

Jaden-so you not painting the walls?

Yn-I called a place, and they said they could paint the walls light blue and brighter white in 2 days

Jaden-oh. You know Valentine's Day is coming up

Yn-one more week, but yeah, why?

Jaden-I was thinking on sending you a few things

Yn-all I want is for you to be here, that's all I want for Valentine's Day


Yn-*wipes her eyes* I'll be okay.. Agh

Jaden-what's wrong?

Yn-my stomach

Mariah-mommy, are you okay?

Yn-yeah, mamas. Where's Allison?

Mariah-she's downstairs in the living room

Yn-ohh, tell her to come up stairs since you're up here


Yn-you know she just turned to on the 1st

Jaden-Lucas told me


Jaden-Aye, baby girl I gotta go

Yn-no, please don't

Jaden-I know, I don't want to hang up but I have to

Yn-okay, I love you Jaden

Jaden-I love you more*hangs up*

Allison-Auntie, I'm hungry

Yn-Mariah didn't give you no lunchable?

Allison-yeah but--



Yn-clean up what ever y'all was doing and I'll get y'all down a fruit cup

Kyla-*walks in* I'm fat

Yn-*jumps* Kyla?!

Kyla-yes, Y'anne down stairs eating her fruit she brung, I can't believe you pregnant

Yn-don't remind me

Kyla-*laughs* I brung those covers

Yn-ooh, thanks

Kyla-yeah*sits on the bed* Yn this is beautiful

Yn-thanks, I just wish Jaden was here to see this

Kyla-I bet he's happy he's having a a boy

Yn-yeah, so when he comes he can stop complaining

Kyla-when's your due date?

Yn-they said by July 18th or so, or he might be an early one like Mariah and King

Kyla-ohh, I'm so tired. That little girl been keeping us up all night

Yn-*laughs* where is she right now? Hand me that nail

Kyla-she should be sleep with Lucas

Yn-ohh, we still trying to figure out what to name him?

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