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Mariah-well can we see him?

Yn-probably, but go throw your stuff away if your done

King-*throws his stuff away and lays on Yn*where do you wanna go Riah?

Yn-I was gonna take us to Chuck E. Cheese with Alli and Lucas


We all had put our shoes on and I had cleaned up they had kept watching TV, and then before we left I had opened the door and saw Jaden about to knock.

Mariah-hi, we leaving so bye

Jaden- where yall going?

Yn-I'm taking them to Chuck e. Cheese with Allison and Lucas

Jaden-ohh sounds like fun

Yn-*locks the door* yea, you wanna come

King-no he don't!

Yn-do you, Jaden?*picks King up*

Jaden-I mean I can, I don't have to go

Yn-ok, you can come in my car

Jaden-ok, what kind of car do you have?

Yn-a A grey Chrysler

Jaden-ohh, that one right there*puts his arm around her waist*

Yn-*smiles* yeaa

I had strapped the kids up in the car and me and Jaden had got into the front. I pulled out and started to drive.


Yn-wassup Riah

Mariah-hii mommy

Yn-hii Riahh


Yn-what did you say?

Jaden-I aint say nothing

Yn-mhm, ok

Jaden-what, all I said was savage

Yn-how is she a savage?

Jaden-cause both of them bad

Yn-they are not bad

Jaden-*turns around*are yall bad?

Mariah-King is


Jaden-*sings* I don't understand


I had parked in a spot and we all went in. We had got our hand stamped and I saw a table with Kyla and Lucas and Allison.

Yn-hi fuckerys



Jaden-*sits down*

Lucas-bro, you can't say hi

Jaden-hi, hello, wassup

King-*stands on the chair* hai betch

Mariah-*hits him* stop it

Yn-*holds Mariah* so where's Allison?

Lucas-under the table

Yn-*looks* no she's not

Allison-*up in the gate* mommy I stuck

Mariah-I get her

King-me too

Yn-I'll be right back, I'm getting pizza and coins


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