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I had woke up to Mariah and Tre wondering threw there clothes.

Tre-*walks over to me* why did you--

Yn-*puts my hands up in defense* please don't hit me, please!

Tre-what are you talking about?

Yn-you have to go see Jay.

Tre-okay, I guess*walks to Tre room*

Mariah-mommy, what happened to your face? It's a little red.

Yn-daddy had hit me.but today you and King are going swimming with Alli and Kyla, cause my mommy to do a few things

Mariah-but I wanna swim with you

Yn-I know but I have to do a few things then I'll be back, ok?

Mariah-*holds her pink out* promise?

Yn-*locks hers* promise. Now go out your clothes on

She put her clothes on and we went to Kyla's room. I went to my room and put on my swimsuit, and then a put on a white flowered crop top, flowered shorts to match,but with a pair of sweatpants and my bongos, shoes just like converse. I had called Jaden to see if he was ready.


Jaden-*yawns* hello


Jaden- oh fuck, why didn't you call me earlier?

Yn-I just woke up, so I'm still getting ready. So this is earlier

Jaden-haha, very funny. Let's meet up at the ice cream shop. My treat😊

Yn-what a funny way to start someone's day

Jaden-*chuckles* I'll be there in 5*hangs up*

Tre-who was that?

Yn-are you here to hit me again?*starts to look threw her clothes*

Tre-I'm sorry Yn. I was drunk and high, and--

Yn-and you slapped me, you made me have sex with you while I was tired and I didn't want too, you almost got us kicked out.


Yn-yea, silent treatment. So don't come in here asking me who I just got off the phone with, plus this is my phone not yours.

I pushed past him and went down to the food court. I got on my phone and waited 5 minutes before Jaden had showed up. He was wearing a white shirt, white pants and legend blues.


Yn-*puts her phone away*who's popping white today?

Jaden-who's popping there skin color?

Yn-I hate you😑

Jaden-not, let's go get our stuff

Me and Jaden had went in line it get our ice cream.he had got cookies and cream, and I had got mint chocolate chip dots.

Jaden-so, spill the beans about your self

Yn-well, I'm Yn, not giving out my last name, I'm 18 years old, I have twins who are 2 years old, do the math and don't care, I am going single from the most craziest boy ever, after I do this I'm going to finish college. Your turn

Jaden-wow but, im Jaden, same ol' same ol', I am 19 years old, no children, just broke up with my girlfriend 3 months ago, I'm going threw the same college things as you

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