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Jaden-I hit all yo G-spots every time I fuck you, so what are you talking about?

Yn-just go Jaden

Jaden-just for dat, imma not go

Yn-no, it's okay you can go wherever you was going

Jaden-*slides his shirt Off* nope, I'll just stay here

Yn-Jaden go!

Jaden-... So you don't want me here?

Yn-I'm not saying that, I'm saying-- let me go to sleep, I don't care anymore

Jaden-*walks to the living room*

Yn-*follows him*


Yn-I don't have anything to say*lays on him*

Jaden-I--Okay, goodnight Yn

Yn-*flips over*


Yn-Jaden... Jaden wake up!

Jaden-*rubs his face* What?!

Yn-you've been sleep for hours! It's 2 in the afternoon!

Jaden-*sits up* well shouldn't I hear screaming and laughing and--

Yn-the girls are with Lucas, and I think King is coming back tonight


Yn-that's not a yay, I have stuff to do today

Jaden-like what?

Yn-get yo ass off my couch, grocery shopping, the gym, sign my twins up for daycare

Jaden-girl, let me help you with all of that

Yn-well, I'm about to leave in 5 minutes so hurry up and get ready

Jaden-then I'm not going anywhere

Yn-well bye

Jaden-no, okay just give me about 15

Yn pov


I had watched him walked slowly to the back and get ready. In about 5 minutes he had came out dressed in all black and blue. He had ended up with his keys and brung me out.

Yn-why you always jacking my style?

I had saw that his eyes had bits of worry in them and he tried to keep his patients. After we were driving down the road, he had started to get fidgety.

Yn-Jaden, are you okay?

Jaden-no.. I'm not😫

Yn-what's wrong?

Jaden- I'm super super super horny

Yn-I can tell

He had looked down at his sweatpants and threw his head back.

Jaden-okay look, my, and your, windows are tented and I'm at a stoplight--

Yn-I don't suck dick

Jaden-obviously, but anyways no just stroked it for me please

Yn-no! I don't want cum on yo seat

Jaden-so you want me to walk into the store with a boner?

Yn-but I don't want too

Jaden-it's the only thing that will make it go down, please Yn

Yn-*pulls his pants down*

Jaden-ha! Wit yo horny ass! It was my Chapstick*laughs*

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