Chapter 8: No!

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***First Day of Training***
Katniss's POV

I stand on the cornucopia. As I'm taking in my surroundings, I notice that it's the arena from my Games. I hear screams and growls and shrieks. I look around and see Gale on one side of the cornucopia and Peeta on the other. Both are being chased by mutts. I realize I can only save one. Without thinking, I grab an arrow and start shooting. I help someone up, still not sure who it is. When he's on the cornucopia, he wraps his arms around my waist and his lips crash in mine and my hands run through his hair. When we pull away, I look to see who it is.
"I knew you would choose me, Katnip."

I sit up, not sure what to think. Am I starting to love Gale? No. I love Peeta. I feel defeated. I don't know anymore. ,I get up and slip my clothes off to shower. When I'm done, I get dressed in a white dress with a jean jacket. I slip on cowgirl boots and go down to breakfast.

Xander and Effie sit their eating quietly.

"Good morning." Effie tells me.

"Good morning." I tell her with a smile.

"So, Katniss, when will we start talking about weapons, shelter, and everything else we need to know?" Xander asks.

"A lot during training all three days, and maybe a little here and there from us." I reply.

Peeta and Haymitch find their way in here when I'm almost done eating.

"I'm gonna go get Rain." I tell everyone. I walk down the hall and tell her she needs to eat. She nods her head and goes to the dining area.

When they leave for training, Peeta and I go up to the roof. We looked down over the city.

"It's just so beautiful." Peeta says.

"How are we gonna do this, Peeta?"

" I don't know, but as long as we do it together we can get through this mentoring thing."

The second day being here is really the same as the first. Peeta an I go to the roof as we did the day before. We'll probably go tomorrow too.

*******3rd Day of Training*******
Xander's POV

I roll over on my bed trying to go back to sleep so I don't have to go to training with the other tributes even though someone will be knocking at my door soon. I hate this whole thing and I'm beyond scared. Rain feels the same way, she's very shy which makes it even more terrifying. Rain is so beautiful and innocent, I feel so bad for her.

"Xander, you need to get ready!" Effie yells interrupting my thoughts.

I get up and get dressed in my training uniform and head to breakfast. When we finish, Rain and I head to training. Today we have to show the game makers what we can do privately. We get down there and we sit and wait for our turn. Since we are from 12, we're the last ones.

"Rain Lesney" The lady on a speaker says.

Rain's POV

Over these past few days, I discovered that I have a hidden knife throwing talent. So that is what I decided to do for the game makers. I look up and see that they are all talking, laughing, and eating.

"Rain Lesney" I say really loud. All attention is on me now. I grab a handful of knives and throw them all at once at the dummy. Two of them hit right in the middle of the head target and two on the heart target. Wow! I hit them all on their targets! I look up at the game makers and some looked shocked, but most looked very pleased with my performance.

"Thank you." I say and head back to our room.

Xander's POV

"Xander Castellow" I guess that's my cue. I walk in and say my name. I just then simply throw spears on every heart target and I make a spear trap which was a success. The game makers nod with pleasure and before I know it I'm up in the living room.

****A Few Hours Later****

**Katniss's POV**

We all sit down to watch the scores. District 1 tributes got a 6 and 8.

"From District 2, male tribute, Will Thorn , with a score of 9." I didn't get a good look at this tribute, but he looked familiar. "From District 2, female tribute, Lillia Renessmae , with a score of 11." She seems very fragile, I wonder how her private session went. There is something about her that I recognize but I just brush it off. They show both of their pictures together and my heart feels like it's going to explode as I realize who I'm looking at.


So, a little twist! If I get 10 votes I'll do a Gale POV. Please tell me what you think about the whole Gale thing. Comment, vote, keeping reading!

Thanks for your consideration!

Wiley xx

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