P.S. Because I Loved You [17].

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September 7:

Dear Ethan:

It was late at night and I was curled up in my cell, lifeless. I asked the officer if I had rights to communicate to anybody outside and he said yes. I was given a half sheet of paper and a stubbed pen, but it didn't matter.

I started the letter with the sting of writingTristan's name...


Please do not afflict anger toward me. I did not intend to hurt you in any way nor make you doubtful of our relationship. I was going to tell you about my past when the time was right, but everytime I tried to, my heart ached. It's a tough thing, trying to look toward the future when your soul is stuck in the past. I'm sorry for all the hatred you must feel for me. I had no idea anything would end up like this. I still am startled by the fact that I am now sitiing in the cold, cement floor of a jail. Jail. I might get heavy charges and heck, they said death penalty. I want to tell you everything. But not in prison. I don't think anyone can bail me out, it costs too much. I don't even have a lawyer at the moment. I am fearful of what my parents must be thinking about this situation that abrupty piled as a burden on their lives. I wish I could go back in time and undo my foolish mistake. If anything happens, let me tell you that I'm innocent. No matter what the other side will rumor, I still carry my innocence with me. Tristan, you are the only one I can trust right now. I have no one. Everyday I wake up to the same nightmare. I feel empty but full so much pain, undescribable pain. My mind is twisted and dwells on its own universe, I cannot fathom  why I am alive at this point...I'm better off dead. I love you Tristan. Please don't push me away. I need you to hold my hand right now. I need you to tell me that everything is going to be okay. I'm innocent and every action I performed in the past was out of true love.


P.S. Remember that day you found the scrap of paper covered in blood splatter? Please burn that paper if any remains are existent.

I prayed that he would get the letter soon enough. Before it's too late.


P.S. Because I Loved You.Where stories live. Discover now