Getting The Team Together

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Natsu POV
Jellal and Ultear came to visit us. They came back with interesting news. Apparently Lucy was in a place called the 'Heartneelia Kingdom'. Levy immediately went to investigate where it was. While she was looking, Jellal and I began to make a team of people who were willing to come. It was Mira, Erza, Jellal, Ultear, Ice Princess, Levy, Tin Can , Kinana, Juvia, Cana, Lisanna and Laxus. Which was a surprise. I didn't know he'd want to come. Maybe he had a change of heart? Or maybe he knows something about Lucy that we don't... Nah, that's definitely not it. Maybe it was because of Mira. Ah ha! That's it! Mirajane! Hey I remember Gajeel telling me about a small girl who had blue hair. Apparently he always called her Shrimp. I think it's Levy... Hehehe. I'm going to tease that Metal Head. Huh. I reckon everyone except for Ice Princess, Juvia, Kinana and Ultear are the the only ones who don't have partners on this trip. If you know what I mean... >=)  . Anyways, I was wondering when Ice Popsicle would tell me about Juvia when he said, "I need to tell you something." I shrug and walk away from the crowd with him. "As you said before, we've been best friends since we were six. This is really important to me so don't make fun of me."

I nod again. "You know J-Juvia? I really l-like he-er." He stutters, blushing a fiery red. I smile warmly. "That's alright. I can tell her if you like." I say. "N-No! Don't. I-I'd rather tell her myself." He confesses. "You're not going to. You're going to try to ignore it, and then ignore Juvia completely. So you must tell her today." I say firmly. "T-Today?!" He yells."Shhhh! They'll hear!" I whisper furiously. He nods mutely. "Well, we'll have a few breaks on the way, so you could tell her in one of those breaks. I'll make sure we have at least one." I say. He nods with gratitude evident in his black eyes. We walk back to the group, and Gray wasn't blushing anymore. "Hey Levy! Have you found where it is yet?" I ask. "Almost Natsu!" She replies, not looking up from her books. She was using the Gale-Force Reading Glasses to make the process faster. I know it's weird, I sound very smart. I am above average in all of my academic reports. Well I was, no one cares about that now. And apparently I'm really good at being a leader and I have loyalty. Pretty sweet huh? Anyways, I was getting impatient at that moment because Lucy was so close yet so far. 'Wait. Jellal said Heartneelia right?' I thought. 'Doesn't that mean I should have a feeling of where it is?' I thought. I closed my eyes. For some reason, my bracelet started warming. It was really weird because every time I was near Lucy, it would warm up. But this time, it wasn't warming up because of that, it seemed like it was talking to something else. That was when a memory flooded my mind.

"Natsu! Look! I've got a bracelet for you! I've got one that is a necklace version!" A young Lucy says, her eyes shining bright. It had a gold band that had a charm on it. It was shaped in a flame with a golden key in the middle. "Oh Lucy! I've got a present for you too!" I say. I took a necklace out for her. It was a golden and silver key that has the same charm on it. "Oh really! It's like we're swapping!" She grins. We gave our gifts and then we played.

"...Natsu?" Lisanna asks. "Wha? I'm fine." I say. "You don't look fine." She replies with worry. She's sweet but I just don't have feelings for her anymore. I had to tell her but how? "Are you alright Natsu?" Lisanna asks. "Yes, I'm fine." I mutter. "Hey Fire-breathing freak! We should call you Sakura!" Ice princess yells from somewhere. "Hey Ice Princess! We should call you Elsa!" I shoot back with a grin. "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO GRAY-SAMA!" Juvia yells. "WHAT?!" I shout, and then I realise someone was poking me. "Natsu-san I need to talk to you in private." Wendy says. "Oh sorry." I apologise, rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed. "Doesn't matter." She says and we move away from the crowd. "Natsu-san! Lucysignedacontractandnowshecan'tgoawayfromtheplacesheisin!" She whispers furiously. "What?" I whisper back trying to understand what she said. "Lucy signed a contract and now she can't go away from the place she is in." She whispers back. "Oh... What?! Who to?!" I ask in a loud whisper. "I don't know. She didn't tell me." Wendy says. "...Damn..." I say knowing there was a little kid next to me. "We can't tell anyone else." She says very seriously. I nod in agreement. "Hey we'd better get back now, I think Levy knows where she is." I say looking at the small blue haired girl jumping up and down excitedly. "Alright Levy! Lead the way!" I call. She nods and everyone starts moving out of the guild hall.

Lucy Heartfilia, My Strong Daughter {Discontinued, I made a new version} Where stories live. Discover now