Chapter 2

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(Alex's pov.)
I woke up in a room, it had white walls with blood splatters on it, a bathroom was built into it, and a black bed. There was a black dresser and nightstand too. I got up and looked out the window. I'm in the forest. Great. Just great. I was still in my clothes.. I went to the door, locked. I unlocked it and peeked outside of it. I saw Jeff sitting on a couch, there were stairs too. I looked to my other side, a long hallway filled with rooms. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming... Last night seemed real.... I opened the door a bit more and walked out silently. I sneaked up behind the couch, I wanted to scare Jeff ):3 I waited a minute then I silently came up and I shook his shoulders really hard. He screamed and threw a pillow at me. ):( mah hair. He looked at me and glared. "Go back in the room" he whispered, I shook my head. I jumped on the couch and sat down next to him. "Go back to the room! He scream whispered, I shook my head. "None of the other pastas know your here! Go back in my room before we both get in trouble!" He scream whispered again. I stuck my tongue out at him. I went back up the stairs and looked at the rooms again. Hmm.... Which one was it...? I walked back to Jeff and taped his shoulder, he turned around and said "What?" I pointed to the hallway. He got up and said "Follow me" so I did. As we were walking down the hallways, I heard a door open, I turned around and saw 0.0 Eyeless Jack?!??! I stared at him and he came charging at me I ran to Jeff and hid behind him. He turned around and saw Eyeless Jack. He looked at Jeff and started laughing. Jeff was so confused. "Dude, why is your shirt pink." He looked at his shirt, cause I took his sweatshirt muahaha. He looked at me mad and I just giggled. He looked back at Eyeless Jack and said "She took my clothes :/ " Jack started laughing again, Jeff turned around and tried to get his sweatshirt back. I backed up and shook my head. He glared at me and said "Give me my clothes." I shook my head again. He got angry and tried to pull it off, he tackled me to the ground and pulled it off, he managed to get it off.. But it also took my shirt... So I was just in my bra..... O.O and some of my scars showed.... Jeff looked at me and I hid my arms behind my back. He gave back the sweatshirt and I put it on quickly. Jack was still laughing his mask off... Get it? Nevermind..... Someone must've heard cause another door opened. And BEN came out :/ he looked at me and winked. I mentally puked. :P "Who's the hottie?" He asked walking closer to us. I hid behind Jeff more. "A person." Was all he said. "Does Slenderman know?" BEN asked. Jeff shook his head. "Can you two keep it a secret?" They both nodded. They both went to the living room or where the tv and couch is. And Jeff showed me where his room was. I walked inside and sat down on his bed. "You have to stay in here okay?" I nodded. "Do you ever talk?" I shook my head. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and handed it to me. I set the paper on his nightstand thing and wrote 'I want my cat and new clothes' I mostly want my cat. He nodded and said "You coming?" I got up and followed him. We walked out the front door. After a while of walking we finally got to my house, we climbed through my window, I got in and I called Callie, she came out from under my bed and I picked her up. I handed her to Jeff, he held her and set her on my bed, he tried to play with her but failed. She scratched him. So he put a blanket over her. She looks like a worm now hue hue hue. I got clothes and at food and a cat bed, and when Jeff wasn't looking I put the box in one of my bags. I also put in cat bowls. I got Callie out of the blanket and picked her up. We climbed out my window and went back to whatever it is. A mansio. Or something. I dunno. When we got there Jeff opened the door and everyone was staring at us... Literally. Eyeless Jack was sitting on BEN and BEN was squirming around. Eyeless Jack got up and whispered to Jeff "BEN told everyone..." I saw Smile Dog come up and sniff me. I patted his head and he bit me. I pulled my hand away really quick. Err this is so weird... I'm socially awkward.... Jeff whispered to me "Go to my room and lock the door.." I nodded and walked up the stairs with Callie. Someone came out of another room and I looked at them. :OOO SLENDERMAN?!? Crap... I'm in trouble.... I ran to Jeff's room quickly, shut then locked the door. I sat on the floor behind his bed holding Callie. I heard a whole bunch of voices downstairs. Then I heard someone run up the stairs and open the door. I thought I locked it.... Oh it's just Jeff.... He locked the door then tried to find me. I peeked up from behind the bed and he looked at me. I let Callie go and she curled up on Jeff's bed. I sat next to her and looked at Jeff. Slenderman teleported into the room and I flipped out and fell off the bed. Jeff looked at him, he looked a little nervous... Wait. Famous Jeff The Killer nervous?!? Well it's Slenderman, I mean who wouldn't be nervous. Then a voice boomed really loud. I'm guessing it's Slenderman. "Child! How dare you bring a human here without my permission!" "But... But she was getting bullied and abused by her parents!" Jeff yelled back. This is true..... Slenderman sighed and shook his head. "Can she stay?" Jeff asked, "Yes child, she can. But we have a few rules here." Slenderman told me the rules and I agreed to follow them. He said I'll have to meet everyone tomorrow. I took the piece of paper that was on Jeff's nightstand and wrote 'where will I sleep tonight?' He shrugged and said "you can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch." Then I wrote 'no, I'll sleep on the couch.'  "No I will, I don't want anyone to do anything, like kill you or something." 'But what if they come in here and kill me?' "Oh.. Didn't think about that... I guess we'll both sleep in the bed.... Until Slenderman gets you a room." I nodded and went to the bathroom to change. I changed into my pj's ( ) I brushed my hair and teeth, then I put my hair up. I walked out and put my clothes in my bag. I set up Callie's bed and gave her some food. I looked for Jeff but he wasn't in the room. I opened the door and peeked out of it. He was watching tv. :P I'm booorrreedd. :/ I got up and grabbed a blanket from my bag and went downstairs. I sat on the couch next to him and put the blanket on my lap. Callie ran down from Jeff's room and jumped on the counter, I watched her as she got into some pancakes that were left out. I giggled and Jeff looked at me. I looked at him and pointed to Callie. He watched her for a minute then Toby came down. (I know their names cause I read their stories) He went to the kitchen which was behind us and saw Callie eating the pancakes. He gasped and screamed really loud. Callie jumped up and ran somewhere. There goes my cat thanks Toby. ):( "Oh, I never got your name.." Jeff said. I walked upstairs and got the paper and pencil. I ran back down almost falling on my face, I tripped and fell on the couch. :/ I wrote down 'It's Alex' he read it and said "Oh okay. Cute name." I didn't hear the last part but it's probably not important. I set down the paper and pencil. Then BEN ran down the stairs and he fell :| I giggled and he yelled "EVERYONE GET DOWN HERE WE'RE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE!!" Everyone came down and we all sat on the floor, I got a good spot :D In front of the couch. :) "Okay, I'll go first" BEN said. "Hmm..... I don't know your name, so I'll call you blueberry :3" BEN said pointing at me. I blinked then he said "Truth or dare?" I wrote down 'Truth' the. I threw the paper at him. It hit him in the face and he read it. "Okay.... Is it true that you've kissed someone?" He asked. I shook my head. I wrote down 'Truth or dare' then threw it at Eyeless Jack. "Dare" he said. I giggled and wrote down 'I dare you to kiss Slenderman :)' I threw it at him and he read it. " NOPE" he yelled. "What was it?" Jane asked, Eyeless Jack threw the paper at Jane and she read it aloud "I dare you to kiss Slenderman." Everyone started laughing. "You have to do it dude." Masky said. Jack groaned then yelled for Slenderman.

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