Chapter 9

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(Alex's pov.)
I stared at the TV screen. Who is this Broken Døll?! I looked around and everyone has confusion on their face. Slenderp muted the tv and said "Alex.. Did you go killing last night..? Cause their isn't a creepypasta named Broken Døll you know.. Was it you..?" Oh. So he thinks I did this? I shook my head quickly and he teleported away. I looked down at my feet and Callie came over and rubbed against my leg while purring. I smiled a little and she jumped up on my lap.

After a few commercials the News came back on. The man started speaking; "Welcome back everyone, if you just tuned in, previously we came to a witness's (idk) house and looked around, the neighbors called the cops because they heard yells from this house. We found a 2 children, a mother, and a father. Only 1 of the children survived, and they are brutally injured. The father and mother are alive as well, but are in horrible condition. We looked around this house and saw child's dead body, his stomach was split open and his organs and insides were spilled out, in his blood, on the wall; it writes - Broken Døll. We suspect this is the killer who has been going around, but we don't know yet. We will find out soon, until then. Stay safe, lock your doors and windows, keep them shut, and if you can; put up video cameras around and inside your house. Later today we have footb-". The news reporter started, but BEN turned the TV off. I looked around, almost everyone was staring at me. Of course. They suspect it's me whose killing -.- I'm going to take a walk.. I got up, went to my room, and put on a black hoodie, I walked out the door and ran away from the mansion. I stopped running when I could barely breathe and my legs felt numb, I walked on and turned around, making sure nobody was following me. I saw Jeff. I scowled at him and he walked up to me. "Are you alright..?" He asked, I nodded and turned away. I continued walking until I felt someone grab my shoulder. I froze. I turned my head just enough so I could see who it was. I frowned as I realized it was Jeff. Can you not?! I thought. I continued walking forward to the edge of the forest until I saw a house. My house. I broke down in tears, remembering all the memories that house have given me. My father.. I fell to my knees with hot tears rolling down my cheeks. Jeff leaned down and wiped away my tears, but they kept on coming. He hugged me and we just sat there for a minute. Him hugging me while I was crying. I finally pulled myself together and got up. I walked around the house and into the road. I went to the sidewalk and just kept walking. I walked for who knows how long until I reached the edge of the cam pass of my old school. I stared and it took everything to keep tears from flowing. I walked closer and looked through a fence. I saw all the familiar faces. The ones who stared at me in the hallway, the ones that pushed me around everyday. The ones who picked fun at me. All of them. Their faces is stained in the back of my mind. I sighed and went back the the mansion. Jeff stopped following me awhile ago thank god. I got up to the mansion doors and opened one slightly, just enough so I could squeeze in. Nobody was in the living room. Hm. I went up the stairs and into Jeff's room. He was lying on his bed facing the wall. I went up to him and sat down on the edge of the bed. I felt him get up and he pulled me next to him. I got under the covers and cuddled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I cuddled closer to him and he grabbed my face and kissed me, I kissed back and he slid his hands up the back of my shirt, I shivered at his touch and he U clipped my bra. I gasped and he continued kissing me. It was turning into a full on make out session o.o he turned me on my back and started to kiss my neck, giving me little hickies. I heard the door open and someone said "Oh god.. Sorry to interrupt but it's time for dinner." Jeff looked up and glared at E.j. For he was at the door. E.j closed the door and Jeff got off of me. "We'll finish this later." He said smirking, I blushed and clipped my bra back. We walked out of his room and sat at the table. I sat next to Jeff and L.j. The plates got passed around and so did the food, we're having pasta :D. I saw L.j turn his head and look at me from the corner of my eye. He snickered and said "What's that on your neck?" My eyes widened and he poked my neck. I saw Jeff freeze when L.j asked. I ignored L.j and started to mess with my fork. L.j waved a hand in front of my face "Hello ma'am is asked a question." He said smirking, I touched my neck softly and E.j looked over, he started laughing and L.j stared at him. E.j stopped and said "Jeff and Alex were getting it o-" he stopped because I stabbed my fork in the table and glared at him. He looked back down at his food and ate silently. I excused myself from the table and went upstairs. I lied down on the bed and a few minutes later I heard L.j's voice. He said "So what exactly happened E.j?" E.j was silent and I heard something metal hit the table. Then E.j said "Oh nothing.." And it was silent from then on. About 15 minutes later I heard someone walking up the stairs, they opened the door and I looked at them, Oh it's just Jeff. He came and lied down my me. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt my eyelids getting heavy. Then everything faded to blackness.

Dark Memories (Jeff The Killer Creepypasta) ~COMPLETED!~Where stories live. Discover now