Chapter 3

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(Alex's pov.)

Slenderman teleported in front of E.J and looked down at him "Yes child?" Slenderman said. E.J got on the couch and pulled his mask up a bit and kissed Slenderman. We were all watching closely, after he did it he pulled his mask back down and we all started laughing then Clockwork yelled "I SHIP IT!!" we all were laughing our butts off. Until E.J coughedto get our attention. Then he said "Jeff, truth or dare?" "Dare" Jeff said. "I dare you to kiss Alex ):3 " O_O I crossed my arms and glard at E.J, I could tell he was smirking under his mask. ):C Darn E.J. I snapped out of my thoughts when someone clapped in my face. :| I blinked a few times, then someone tapped my shoulder. I turned my head and it was Jeff. Oh geez.. I forgot about the dare.... Darn it. I don't know what to do....... I've never kissed someone before.... I probably looked like an idiot. Jeff pecked me on the cheek and said "BEN truth or dare?" "Dare duh?" "I dare you to.... kiss Jane" I looked at Jane and she just sat there. I can't see her expression, she's wearing a mask :/ BEN got up and went over to Jane, he pulled up her mask a bit and kissed her, but he wouldn't stop. Jane kicked him where the sun don't shine with her heel and BEN fell. We all started laughing except BEN. Jane wiped her mouth. Eww.... "Alex truth or dare?" she asked I wrote down 'Dare' and threw the paper at her. She smirked and said "I dare you to say something." My eyes widened alot. I haven't talked in 5 years!!! I blinked and she said "Come on, you can do it." I gulped and evreyone leaned in. "Hi......" I said quietly, my voice was so squeaky and high pitched!!! Holy crap!! I looked down and my bangs fell in front of my eyes.... This is so awkward..... I wrote down on paper 'Truth or dare' and threw it at Ticci Toby. "Dare" he said, I wrote down 'I dare you to undress until your in your underpants and stay like that for the rest of the game ):D' I threw it at his face, it wasn't very effective cause he's wearing goggles and a mouth guard.... but still.... he read it and threw it in the middle of everyone. Clockwork grabbed it and read it aloud "I dare you to undress until your in your underpants and stay like that for the rest of the game" I giggled and everyone started laughing. He undressed until he was in his underwear and sat back down, he struggled with his jeans cause they were skinny. Hue hue hue. After like 20 more dares, I started to fall asleep on Jeff's shoulder. I was have asleep when someone whispered "Omg, look at Alex." I fluttered my eyes open and yawned. It wasn't long before I fell back asleep.

**Time Skip**

I woke up and I tried to get up. But I felt a grip around me. I turned my head and saw Jeff with his arm around me, he was still sleeping, Callie was sleeping in her bed. I smiled and grabbed my phone and my earbuds and played some music. The song Baby by Justin Bieber came on, wait... WHAT?!?! I yanked my earbuds out and deleted the song FOREVER. Geez, probably my sister. I put them back in and the song If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens. I love this song. After a few minutes I fell asleep again.

**Time Skip**

I woke up to Perfect Weapon and I freaked out. I jumped up and fell off the bed on my face. Ow... Jeff woke up and he looked at me confused. He shrugged and asked "Are you okay?" and helped me up. I nodded and got back up on the bed, I checked the time. Only 8:31 am? Geez. I layed back down and fell asleep with my earbuds still in. Jeff must've fell asleep too.

**Time Skip**

I woke up to people laughing, I fluttered my eyes open and Jeff's arm was around me again :/ I look at the door and BEN and Laughing Jack were taking pictures. they stopped when they saw me and they ran out. I couldn't do anything cause Jeff's arm was on me. And I didn't want to wake him up. After like 5 minutes Jeff rolled to his other side and let go of me. I got up quietly and went to change ( ). I walked downstairs to see Laughing Jack and BEN looking at the camera, i'm guessing they were looking at the pictures they took. They were laughing their butts off. I shook my head and walked down there silently, I creeped up behind the couch and looked at what they were looking at. I was correct, the pictures they took of me and Jeff sleeping. I grabbed both their heads and smacked them. They looked at me and I crossed my arms and glared at them. They both took off running with the camera, I chased after them, but i'm not very fast. They ran into someone's room and I was kinda scared to open the door. I opened it and i'm guessing it was Laughing Jack's room. ( ) I walked in and found cotton candy. ooh :D I went to grab it but someone smacked my hand, ow. I looked up and saw Laughing Jack standing there with his arms crossed. Er mer gerwd i'm so tiny. "No touchy mah candy" he said, i blinked and nodded. I should've known.... I looked around his room and saw candy literally everywhere. No joke. EVERYWHERE. Oooh :D I saw big gummy bears attached to the end of his bed. nummy... I poked it. Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke. :3 I kept poking the bear untill L.J grabbed my hand. "Nuu. Mah candy." I crossed my arms and stared at him right in the eyes. He stared at me and we practically had a staring contest. I lost of course. His eyes were burning into mah soul O.O I blinked and rubbed my eyes. Er mer gerwd, his eyes literally pierced my soul DX.I walked out and once I did i heard like a chewing sound, I peeked into his room and he was eating those big gummy bears on the edge of his bed. I accidently pushed the door a bit and it made a noise, he looked at me and he threw something but I shut the door before if could hit me. O.O It went through the door and hit me in the face. And guess what it was. A gummy bear bomb, when it goes off it squirts gummy goo everywhere (XD gummy goo). I fell on the ground and it exploded getting the goo all in my hair and clothes. Ugggghhhh. When it exploded it made a noise like 'SPLAT' It hit some peoples bedroom doors and made a thumping noise. I hope nobody wakes up cause of it..... I was walking to Jeff's bedroom to take a shower and he walked out and looked at me. I could tell he was trying to hold in his laughter. I glared at him and he burst out laughing, probably waking up some others. I punched him in the arm and flipped him off. Butthole :P

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