Chapter 10

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(Alex's pov)
I woke up to the sound of voices yelling. I groaned and Jeff's arm squeezed me slightly, I turned over and saw him looking at me. "Good morning beautiful." He said smirking, I blushed and he got up, I looked over at him, he was wearing his black boxers. Then I realized I was wearing a sweatshirt and my underwear. I looked down at my legs and saw the scars. Jeff looked at me and I heard him gasp. He sat on the bed by me and I pulled the covers over my legs. He grabbed my hand and I pulled away. He pulled the blanket down and I felt tears roll down my face. I grabbed a blanket and hid myself under it, crying my eyes out. Jeff pulled up the blanket and looked at me, I pulled my legs to my chest and continued crying silently. He pulled my legs out of my grip and looked at them. "Alex.. Why didn't you tell me..?" "I-I thought you wouldn't like me anymore.." I choked out. "You can tell me anything." He said, I nodded and he asked "Are there any more?" I pulled off my sweatshirt, so I was just left in my bra and underwear. He looked at my arm and rubbed his thumb over the cuts lightly. I winced and he whispered "Sorry.. These are deep Alex.. You could've died.." "That's the point.." I sobbed. "No, no no." He said. He touched my stomach where cuts are and went down to my thighs. He sighed and said "Promise me you won't cut again.." "No promises.." I said softly. He grabbed my chin and kissed me, I pulled away and he got up. He took off his boxers and I looked at him, his back was turned to me and he turned his head and said "See anything you like?" I turned my head and he got dressed. I pulled my bag out from under Jeff's bed and took out my outfit. Black jeans, a black tank top, and a Bmth sweatshirt. I got dressed and even though I knew Jeff was watching me I don't care. I opened his door and went to the living room, he followed and I plopped on the ground. Callie ran out of nowhere and curled into a ball and meowed. Jeff sat on the couch and I said "I need to dye my hair again." "Then let's go." He went into the bathroom and put in blue contacts and some makeup to cover his smile. He looks totally normal. I went upstairs and grabbed a little bag, Callie jumped in it while Jeff was putting on his shoes. I slipped on my shoes and we walked out the doors. We walked out of the forest and into the real world. I sighed and we started walking towards the mall. We walked into the entrance and into a hair salon. I talked to a girl whose hair was a midnight blue and faded to dark purple. She had a lip ring and an eyebrow piercing. I'm getting my hair burgundy and Jeff is dying his hair black (even more black Huehue).

**Time Skip**

My hair was finally done and dry, I looked in the mirror. I love it! I got my bangs cut and trimmed the ends. Jeff was almost finished, they were blow drying his hair. I was standing in front of the seat he was in, his eyes flickered. Hm. He was finally done and we paid. Callie poked her head out of my bag and meowed. We walked out of the hair place and went into Hot topic. I looked at shirts while Jeff was looking at who knows what. He came up to me and said "You should get this" I looked at what he was holding, it was a black bra with little studs on it. He smirked and I just stared at him blankly. I rolled my eyes and he growled. I went back to looking at the American Horror Story shirt. Tate was on it. Hot. I grabbed a small and set it on my arm. Callie poked her head out and looked around. I went over to the accessories and look at the bracelets and necklaces. I found a heart locket necklace. It was golden with gears on the outside and it opened up. I put the necklace around my arm. Jeff came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I blushed and he kissed my cheek. I could slightly feel his permanent grin under the makeup. I hope it doesn't come off o.o I went up to the cashier and I bought the necklace and a American Horror Story shirt. Jeff bought a few pairs of black skinny jeans and a beanie. We got our stuff and walked out of the store. We found the food part of the mall and sat down at a table. I put my hand in my bag and felt Callie. I petted her head softly and heard her purr. "Alex.""Hmm?" "I love you" "I love you more Huehue" "Noo I do" "fine I gives up" I said, he smirked and I said "You should get lip piercings. It would be hot." "Maybe. I will think about it" he said grinning, I smiled slightly. "We should get back before the others worry about us." He said, I nodded and we grabbed our bags and started walking out of the mall. We walked down some alleys and finally got into the woods, I heard the bushed rustle. I turned my head towards a bush. Nothing was there. Hm, probably just the wind. We got to the clearing where the mansion was, but someone put their hand around my mouth. I panicked, know it wasn't Jeff, for he was in front of me. I screamed as loud as I could. Jeff turned around and charged towards me and the stranger he tackled the stranger and I fell to the ground. My bag fell and Callie ran into a bush and hid. I ran to the mansion doors and stumbled up the stairs to Slender's room. I grabbed his arm and pulled him as hard as I could. "Child calm down!" He yelled "STRANGER!" I screamed. I ran outside and Jeff was still wrestling the stranger. Slender teleported outside and grabbed both of them by the back of their shirts. He let Jeff go and he fell to the ground. He had a bloody nose. I rushed to his side, he was on his back groaning. The makeup he had was all gone. The stranger wore a black hoodie with black jeans. Slender teleported away with the stranger and I looked down at Jeff. I touched his smile and felt the blood on my fingers. He sat up and wiped the blood from his nose. "I'm going to get them.." He growled. He got up and stormed into the mansion. He slammed the doors and I went over to get Callie and my bag. I put my bag over my shoulder and held Callie as I walked into the mansion. I went into Jeff's room and set Callie down. I gave her some food and I sat on Jeff's bed. I heard someone storming up the stairs. I'm guessing Jeff. They opened the door and slammed it shut. And I'm correct. It's Jeff. I looked at him, his contacts were out and his eyes flashed anger. I was getting a little scared honestly.. I took off my jeans. And my shoes. I got under the covers and just lied there. I felt Jeff lie down next to me. He put his hand on my thigh, I shivered at his touch. I turned towards him, he had both his hoodie and shirt off. I moved closer to him and he put his arms around me, I turned my back towards him and stared at the wall. I was lost in my own thoughts until I drifted off to sleep.

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