Chapter 5

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(Jeff's pov.)

I woke up in the bathroom with Alex in my arms. I looked down at her, she looks so peaceful. I picked her up and walked out of the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen and looked around O.O  ):c WHAT THE CRAP!?!?! I growled and walked to my room, oh my god what the frick. ALL THE DOORS ARE COVERED WITHA FLIPPIN PICTURE OF US SLEEPING ):C I ripped the picture down and walked in my room and slammed the door. I locked the door then set Alex down on my bed and put a blanket over her. I sat down on my bed and looked at Alex. I heard laughing downstairs, ugh. Probably laughing at the picture. I layed down next to Alex and stared at the ceiling. I heard a knock on my door, "Ugghh, what?" I growled "It's BEN." I got up and went to unlock the door, I opened it and BEN was standing there and he looked mad. " What?" I snapped, "I told you, I want her, back off." He said. "Oh yeah? Where have you been this whole time?" I said, "At least I didn't try to kill her!" he yelled. I growled and said "Just leave her alone, she has enough problems in her life, she doesn't need another." He punched me in the face and I snapped. I pushed him down the stairs and shut my door behind me. BEN tumbled down the stairs and plopped on the floor, I walked down the stairs and kneeled down by him, he glared at me and I punched him in the face, he grabbed my neck and squeezed, I clawed his hands and i'm pretty sure my face was turning blue or purple or something... He shoved his thumbs on my throat and said "You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?" and I passed out.

(BEN's pov.)

Jeff pushed me down the stairs and walked down, he kneeled by me and punched me in the face. I grabbed his neck with both my hands and started squeezing his neck, I pressed my thumbs in the middle of his throat and said "You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?" and he passed out. I smiled evily and let go. I got up and kicked his ribs, I think I heard them crack. ):D I walked up to Jeff's room and opened the door, good, she's awake. ):D

(Alex's pov.)

I woke up to loud noises downstairs, meh. Probably just people messing around. :/ I sat on the edge of Jeff's bed and looked down at my feet. The noise stopped and I heard the door open, I looked at who was at the door, i'm guessing it's Jeff. Nope, BEN.. I waved a little and he smiled evily 0.0 he shut then locked the door and he came over to me and I stood up. I backed away and hit the wall. Crap 0.0 He pushed me to the wall and started kissing me, I tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I kicked him in the leg. He let go and grabbed his leg and stopped kissing me, I ran as fast as my boney legs would carry me and ran into the bathroom. I shut and locked the door. I sat on the floor and cried silently, my dad would have his friends over sometimes and they try to do stuff to me, stuff like what BEN did. Memoried flashed through my mind and I cried even more. I heard BEN trying to open the door, I watched the doorknob as it turned. BEN knocked on the door and said "Alex~ I know you're in there~" Where's Jeff?!?!? Oh my god, help me. He started pounding on the door and the door got knocked down. I was sitting with my knees to my chest while leaning on the bathtub. I plugged my ears and closed my eyes. And I screamed at the top of my lungs. I stopped and tears rolled down my face, I looked up at BEN and he had his hands over his ears. He glared at me and said "Shut up!" Tears rolled down my cheek and he grabbed my arm roughly, I whimpered and tears dripped on the floor. I pushed BEN away and ran out of the bathroom. I saw Callie crawl out from under Jeff's bed, she came towards me and I picked her up and rushed to the door, I tried to open it but it was locked. I kept trying to open the door, I turned around and BEN was walking towards me. Crap... I started pounding on the door. BEN grabbed me and I screamed again, he let me go and I accidently dropped Callie. Oops..

(Laughing Jack's pov.)

I woke up to screaming, ugh probably someone pulling a prank on one of the girls.. Wait... But I would be part of the prank... hahaha.. Meh, more time for me to eat candy :D I tried to go back to sleep but I heard screaming again. What the crap.. Ugh.. I'm gonna go see what's going on, this is annoying. I walked out of my room and went downstairs 0.0 I saw Jeff laying on the floor with a blood puddle under him.. He had purple handprints around his neck 0.0 Either someone got really mad or Jane finally decided to kill him. I'll go ask her. I walked back up the stairs and I heard pounding on Jeff's door. Hmm.... I tried to open it but it was locked, great. I twisted the doorknob off and walked in. I looked around and saw BEN pinning Alex to Jeff's bed :O I rushed over and grabbed BEN, I held him by his neck and threw him out of the room. I walked back over to Alex to make sure she was okay, she had tears running down her face and she was shaking. Aww.... I'll leave her alone for now, she probably doesn't want to be bothered.. I walked out and shut the door gently. BEN was standing in front of me and he punched me in the gut, ow! I extended my arms and grabbed him by his neck, I held him above the ground, then I let go, which sent him falling back down to the floor. Hahaha. I saw Jane walk out of her room and I asked "Jane, did you try to kill Jeff again?" "No. Why?" she said, "Go downstairs." I said, she nodded and she walked down the stairs. I heard her gasp. I grabbed BEN and threw him in his room and locked the door. I knocked on E.J's door and he opened it almost right away. "Go downstairs." I said, "Okay..." he said and walked downstairs.

(Eyeless Jack's pov.)

I heard a knock on my door and I opened it, Laughing Jack :| "Go downstairs." he said, "Okay..." I said and I walked downstairs and saw Jane kneeling down by Jeff and shaking him. Oh god. I rushed over and stepped in something. I looked down at what I stepped in... Blood... I checked his pulse. Hmm.... He's barely breathing... "NURSE ANN!" I yelled, I heard a door open and Nurse Ann came down the stairs. "I'll go get Dr. Smiley, stay here." I said, he nodded and I walked up the stairs, ugh. We just had to have stairs didn't we? I got to Dr. Smiley's room and I knocked, he opened the door and said "Hmm?" "Come downstairs." I said, I walked downstairs and he followed. We got down where Jeff was and Nurse Ann looked at us and said "He's barely breathing. Jane go tell the proxies to go get Slenderman." "Okay." Jane said and she went to go get them. Nurse Ann, Dr. Smiley, and I picked up Jeff and carried him to Dr. Smiley's room.

(Alex's pov.)

BEN pinned me to the bed and tried to kiss me again. Ewwww. I tried to push him off me but I'm too weak. He pulled off my sweater. Crap... He tugged the bottom of my shirt but I kicked him, tears rolled down my face even more. He was holding me by my wrists so they hurt really bad now. I could tell BEN was getting mad, I heard the doorknob twist. Finally!! Wait... It's locked, the doorknob stopped twisting and I lost all hope. Now all I was focusing on was getting BEN off me. I kicked him in the gut again, i'm too weak :( I heard the door slam open and whoever it was rushed over and grabbed BEN. Oh thank god. I turned my head and L.J was holding BEN by his neck. I sat up and put my knees to my chest. I heard a thump and L.J walked over and looked at me. I want to be alone right now... He walked away and shut the door lightly. I got up and grabbed my bag from under Jeff's bed, I dug through it until I found the old box. I opened it and grabbed one of the blades. I walked to the bathroom and shut the door and locked it. I slide the blade across my wrists. They were covered with scars and cuts, so were my arms. I'm done. I'm just done. I walked back out and looked in the box, I grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills. Perfect. I opened the bottle and someone walked in, I was sitting on Jeff's bed. They rushed over and smacked the bottle out of my hands and the pills spilled everywhere. Darn it. NOO!!! I tried to pick up some of the pills, but whoever it was kept holding me back. "JUST LET ME DIE!" I yelled, I know I don't talk but I just had to say this. I elbowed them in the stomach and they let go. I grabbed some of the pills and swallowed them before they could stop me. They got up and grabbed me. I looked to see who it was. L.J I shoved them out of the room and locked the door. I sat on the floor and saw black dots everywhere. The pills are doing it's magic.

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