Chapter 4

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(Alex's pov.)

I walked into Jeff's bathroom (In his room :P) and brushed out my hair, I took off my clothes and set them gently on the floor. I locked the door and got in the shower. I washed off my makeup and put shampoo in my hair, I rinsed it out and grabbed my conditioner, as I grabbed the bottle I noticed my arm. All the memories flashed through my mind.


"ALEX GET YOUR LAZY *** UP NOW!!" my dad yelled at me. I got up and walked downstairs, I looked up at him, he had a empty bottle of vodka in his hand and he smelled of alcohol. "GET OVER HERE" he yelled again, I do not want to face the consequences of not listening to him. Again.... I felt my cheek burning, he slapped me. I rubbed my cheek and looked down. He grabbed me by my hair and punched me in the stomach, ow.. He threw me to the ground and my head hit the stairs, he grabbed my hair and yelled "YOU WERE A MISTAKE!! YOU'RE JUST A DISAPPOINTMENT!" those words rang through my head over and over. You were a mistake!! You're just a disappointment! Tears filled my eyes and he let go of me and i rushed to my room, I locked the door and grabbed the box under my bed. I grabbed one of the many razor blades and dragged it across my wrist, those words still ringing in my mind.

*End Of Flashback*

I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. I rubbed my cheek remembering when my father slapped me. I grabbed the conditioner bottle and finished my shower. I got out and looked at the mirror, it was fogged up from my shower. And I forgot to bring in clothes :/ Crap. I unlocked the door and opened it, I peeked out and Jeff wasn't in here. Oh thank god. I ran out with the towel wrapped around me and grabbed my bag, I rushed back to the bathroom and closed and locked the door. I got dressed ( ) and looked at the mirror again. It wasn't fogged up anymore, I saw my reflection. You ugly emo! Eww... Fatty! You're so gross... Nobody will ever want you! They were right... No one will ever want me...I did my hair and put on my sweater. I didn't do my makeup yet, I sat on the sink counter and started to put on my makeup, before I did, I saw the bruise/mark on my cheek from where my father slapped me. I finished my makeup and unlocked the door. I opened it and walked out with my bag. I set it down and pushed it under Jeff's bed. Callie was sleeping on his bed curled in a ball. Aww. I petted her softly and walked out of Jeff's room. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. I grabbed my phone and earbuds from my pocket and put the earbuds in my ears, I went to my music on my phone and clicked shuffle then play. A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil played and I sang the lyrics in my head:

  Let's go!

I kissed the scars on her skin
I still think you're beautiful
And I don't ever wanna lose my best friend.
I screamed out, "God, you vulture (you vulture),
Bring her back or take me with her."

Tear it down, break the barricade
I want to see what sound it makes
I hate this flavor with a passion and I fucking hate the aftertaste

How does it feel? (How does it feel?)
How does it feel? Well it feels like I'm on fire!
Wake up, I know you can hear me.

Make me a promise here tonight, love like a tidal wave
Dreamless in early graves, I never want it to be this way
The chemicals will bring you home again
This is it, when it's done, we can say that,
When it's sudden death we fight back
(Oh, yeah)

Pretend like I don't entice you
I've seen you circling the sky above my head
You traitor

I will never be taken for granted again
Keep digging holes in the desert
Say a prayer for you

Dark Memories (Jeff The Killer Creepypasta) ~COMPLETED!~Where stories live. Discover now