| Cute Moments |

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[I advise that you read all of them. They are super cute. ]

S H A W N - You picked up Shawn's guitar. "Can you play a song for me?" You asked him. "Sure he replied. "What song." "Show you." You exposed. "An acoustic version of show you. I love it." He smiled. He began to sing. "You can't walk the streets at night your way to short to get on this ride. No I'm not, no I'm not trying to tell you that.." He continued. You lived for when Shawn sung to you. He finished. "I loved it." You screamed. "I'm glad I can make you so happy with a single song." He laughed. "You can make me happy with just a single breath." You replied back walking over to him and giving him a hug.

C A R T E R - Carter and you where out in the mall when you came to Forever 21. As they are know for some cute clothes but also wacky clothes. So cater walked in first. You had an amazing idea. "Let's just get a bunch of wacky clothes and we will do a fashion show." You said enthusiastically. "In the store... With everyone here?" He said shocked. "YOLO." You replied running off into the store. 10 minutes later you both met up in the changing rooms and switched clothes. "You go first." Carter pointe to the changing room. You shook your head "We both go at the same time." You pushed him into a room and shut the door. You ran into yours and got in the clothes. You walked out and there was Carter in a 'I dun it' shirt with a wild colored vest on over it and some white pants. You had on a black and white striped dress with a huge wool sweater in with sandals an ridiculous bling. "You look funny." He laughed. You came over and kissed him. "You do to."

T A Y L O R - You looked at the skateboard Taylor gave you for Christmas that sat by your chair. You decided it was time. You picked up the phone and called Tay. "Can you come over and umm... maybe... um teach me how to skateboard?" You questioned. "Sure i'll be right over." He responded. 15 minutes later Taylor was in your driveway teaching you how to skateboard. "So what possessed you to want to do this?" Taylor asked. "I just wanted to spend time with you." You replied. Taylor chuckled and gave you instructions. You did as told pushing your self farther out of the driveway. You hit a bump and went flying to the ground. Taylor quickly ran to your side. "(Y/N) are you okay?" He said checking every part of your body for a cut. "I'm fine." You smiled "Especially since your here." Taylor laughed "I'm glad your okay." He said helping you up by your waist. He leaned in to give you a big "Taylor hug". But you quickly pulled away. "Not now. You can hug me later, first I want to get this right." You said hoping back on.

C A M E R O N - You an Cam were making a video doing a challenge. You guys decided to do the Banana and sprite challenge. "You ready babe?" He asked handing you the banana. "Totally." You quickly unpeeled the Banana and shoved it in your mouth. "That was kinda hot." Cameron said laughing. You playfully hit him as he are his Banana. You both waited to chug your sprite. After the sprite was all gone Cam looked to you. "Do you feel anything?" He asked. "No. You?" "Nada." He shook his head. "We should give it some time." You suggested. He agreed. 5 minutes after that and still nothing happened. "I say nothing is going to happen." You looked at Cam. "You heard it from my intelligent girlfriend. ITS A MYTH!" He shouted.

N A S H - You an Nash where on a boat with his family. You guys had stopped to go swimming. Sky quickly jumped in without even blinking an eye. "Sky be careful." Their mom yelled. Skylynn was screaming and splashing water everywhere just being a kid. "Sky I'm gonna get you." Nash came after her. He jumped into the water and came swimming after her. 10 minutes of them playing around. Hayes started whining. "Can we please go tubing now?" He asked his dad. "Sure. Nash Skylynn get up here." He yelled. Nash help Sky up and then he got in his self. "Your driving." His dad said throwing the keys at him. He got into the seat and started up the boat while Skylynn laughed at Hayes being drifted back. You sat behind Nash. After a while Nash turned around. "Do you wanna try?" "Sure." You replied. He gestured for you to sit on his lap which you did. He then kissed your cheek and said "Don't go easy on him."

A A R O N - You an Aaron where just hanging out at your house one day. You jut kindly looked at him an laughed. You got up from your bed that you and Aaron were sitting on and got into a basket. You pulled out your straightener. "Aaron come here." You said waving him over. He looked up from his phone and walked over. "Whyyy?" He asked suspiciously. "Oh no reason." You said pushing him into a chair and started on his hair. After about 10 minutes of hair doing you finally were done. You laughed "This I great." You said snapping a picture. His hair made him look like a guy from a goth band. "What did you do to me?" He asked laughing. "Oh nothing." You said kissing his lips.

H A Y E S - Hayes and you went four wheeler riding. You had brought your own and Hayes brought his. "We are gonna race right?" Hayes asked. "What's the point of doing this if we don't race?" You sarcastically asked. Hayes nodded his head and hopped out of the truck we pulled out his and yours four wheelers into the soft sand. You handed him his helmet and you put yours on and started up the beasts. 15 minutes of racing in the sand dunes and something weird was happening with your quad. The steering was jacked so you pulled over and so did Hayes. "What's wrong?" He asked. "The steering is all jacked up." You responded. "Well try to at least get it back to the trailer." He suggested. You hoped back on and it wouldn't start. Hayes then tied a ripe up to his quad up to yours you rode on the back of his. Your arms had to death lock on his waist you felt bad but he was a bad driver.

J A C K J - Jack was making some dinner for the two of you while his parents where out of town. Who knew he could cook. Jack was making Mac and cheese. You came walking up and dipped your finger in it. "What do you think your doing?" He asked. "Contaminating our dinner." You laughed. "Well stop." Jack said straight faced. "No." You said dipping your finger in it again but this time sipping it off on his nose. "That's it." He said sliding the spoon across your face getting noodles all over the floor. "You didn't." You laughed. You put your whole hand in it (wasn't too got obviously) and whipped it on his shirt. Long story short there was no place in the kitchen that was clean anymore. You were laying on the floor with Jack hovering above you. "We are a mess." You laughed. "A happy mess." He replied kissing you and the cheese on your lips.

J A C K G - Jack and you where going to one of jacks family party's. But he decided to take his jeep. "You brought this?" You asked as he took out out to your driveway to leave. "Well yeah it's fun. I also took the tops out." He laughed. You smiled "I just can't be mad at you." You said hopping into the truck. He took off down the road and your hair went flying everywhere. He blared the music and you too sung along all the way there. "SWEET HOME ALABAMA! WHERE THE SKYS ARE SO BLUEEEEE!" You guys sung as he pulled into the party. He quickly turned down the music and shut off the truck. You two fumbled out of the truck walking up to his family. "Darling what happened to your hair?" His grandmother asked. "Jacks jeep happened." You laughed fixing your hair.

M A T T - You and Matt were just hanging out around the house when he had a great idea. "Can I do your makeup?" He questioned. "Sure if I can do yours." You sarcastically said. "Okay." He laughed. "Really?" You asked astonished. "I don't see why not." He smiled. You grabbed his hand and took him up to your room and payed out all of your make up and sat down in the chair. Matt quickly picked up the lipstick and applied it to your lips. Then he tried to do mascara. After a while of you telling him 'that doesn't go their.' Matt was finally done. "My turn." You said pushing him into the chair and putting on everything professionally. You both then stood up and like in the mirror. Surprisingly Matt did a great job for a guy an you made him look like a drag queen. Matt turned to you. "Hair?" He asked.


I'm extremely proud of this for some reason. But I haven't proofed it yet so sorry for some errors it might have. Keep the comments and votes flooding in I love to get to know my readers.

-M o e

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