| How He Hugs You |

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A R R O N - Arron's hugs are long and passionate. His hugs show that he loves you more than anything with how tight he grabs you. He never wants to let you go once he has you.

T A Y L O R - Taylor's hugs are warm. Taylor loves to hug you, and when he does he's always warm. No matter where your at, he's warm. Which is great for you since your always cold.

C A M E R O N - Cameron's hugs are sweet. Since your hight differences aren't that much, he can't exactly be all that manly. So he puts his hands on your waist and holds you close.

N A S H - Nash's hugs are loving. Nash loves you so much and it shows when he hugs you. Nash puts his chin on your head, because he's so much taller than you. He also holds you close.

J A C K G - Jack's hugs are cute. He doesn't quite know what to do with himself because he loves you so much. So most of the time it's different every time he hugs you. But all that stays the same is that you both love it.

H A Y E S - Hayes's hugs are protective. He loves you with all of his heart and it shows. He puts his arms down by your butt, but it doesn't actually touch. He holds you close and doesn't ever want to let you go.

J A C K J - Jack's hugs are traditional. He doesn't like to get to close or to passionate. He normally grabs your hands and then goes into a hug. He thinks it's the right amount of passion for PDA.

M A T T - Matt's hugs are close. Matt loves to be as close as possible to you. Nothing could be close enough. So when it comes to hugs you literally have no space in-between each other.

C A R T E R - Carter's hugs are cocky. He normally puts his arms around your neck and pulls you close. But he doesn't tug hard because he knows it could hurt you.

S H A W N - Shawn's hugs are romantic. Shawn normally hugs you from behind and sings little nothings in your ear. It shows (in his way) how much he loves you.

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