| You Meet His Family |

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C A M E R O N - Cameron's family made you feel right at home. They where funny and outgoing there was never a dull moment while you where there. And even though Cameron is usually very touchy tonight he wasn't, just a peck on the cheek when you said goodnight.

N A S H - Nash's family was funny, but it was quite nerve wracking at the beginning. But Nash made you feel better. After the nervousness set everyone got along perfectly.

H A Y E S - Hayes took you home one day to meet his family for dinner. Everything was great. You all joked and had a good time. Well that was until Hayes's mom got out the baby pictures, then Hayes wasn't having a good time. But everything was good.

J A C K J - You thought that Jacks family would be nice and neat. But you weren't wrong about the nice part, but the family wasn't neat. There lives where messy and unorganized and you loved every minute of it.

J A C K G - You where super nervous to meet Jacks family because you didn't know how it would be. You didn't know how to prepare yourself, and or what to expect. But you where nervous for nothing, they where loving and excepting just like Jack.

A A R O N - You where more excited to meet Aaron's family rather than nervous. You just thought that if they were anything like Aaron you would love them just like you love him. And boy where you right, they were easy to talk to and funny. Everything just felt better.

T A Y L O R - You always get nervous around Taylor, so as normal you got nervous around his family. But they took to it instantly. They made you feel right at home and when you messed up they went with it because they could tell that it was hard for you.

C A R T E R - You knew it was going to be easy to meet his family. Carter already told you all about them and everything you needed to know. So you went in there and did exactly what he told you to do and they loved you.

M A T T - Matt was so excited to introduce you to his family. He was practically jumping up and down. He was excited that the one that he loves is meeting the people that he loves. Everything went super well though, they loved you and you loved them.

S H A W N - Shawn has never really talked about his family, so you didn't know much about them. But it didn't matter you were still ecstatic to meet them. And it turned out super good, they showed you everything you would ever need to know about Shawn.

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