| I promise |

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C A R T E R - You guys were at a fancy restaurant, as cliché as that sounds. Carter is the romance movie enthusiast. He lives to make your life like a living romance movie. So of course when your drinks came out there was a beautiful ring in it. And you almost drank it, he had to stop you and get the ring out. "It's quite ironic that you almost drank the best gesture of my life so far." He held the ring up laughing. "But as I would have said in the 20 minute speech that I had planned that just went out the window. I love you, and this ring shows you how much I love you. Please take my promise and hold it close?"

N A S H - You had gotten sick right before your guys big trip to Bora Bora. You were both super bummed that you had to give your tickets to your parents. But Nash spent those days in your house bringing Bora Bora to the states. No expense was too extravagant. "I love you and I would do anything for you, no matter the size. Big or small you always have my heart." He said cuddling up next to you.

H A Y E S - You and Hayes were at the boardwalk in Virginia beach. You both were holding hands and laughing waiting for the sun to go down. That is when the fun really happens, the rides start up. You both went over to a stuffed animal winning contest and Hayes won you one. You smiled and hugged it, when something sharp poked you in the neck. You looked at the animal and it was a silver necklace, shaped like a heart with ruby in the middle. Hayes grabbed your hand, "I promise you everything I have to offer, what is mine, is yours. You are the love of my life. And I wanted to show you how much you mean to me."

C A M E R O N - You and Cam had been at the beach all day and it was starting to get to the sunset time. You told your mom you would be back before dark. You and Cam got rapped up playing in the water and walking in the beach. That was when he realized he wouldn't rather have a different person to throw sand at. "You bring me so much joy. You always put a smile on my face. I promise you, that for as long as I am in love with you, I will make you smile, and laugh, and cheer. And I hope you realize that I will never stop loving you so it's a pretty sweet deal." He laughed kissing you on the lips and walking you back to your house.

T A Y L O R - You and Taylor were at dinner. Everything was nice and the food was great. Little did you know that Taylor had this planned for a while and he was so nervous about it. "(Y/F/N), I love you so much. I want you to be mine forever, but unfortunately we are too young for that. So this is the best I can do right now." He said pulling out a gorgeous black diamond ring with white diamonds beside it. "I promise that I will always be with you, and that you always have my all."

M A T T - You both had spent the day with Matt's grandparents, they have both gave you guys some great advice. You and Matt saw how in love they are and have been for over 40 years. Matt now looked at you with a different sparkle in his eyes. "I love you so much, that words can't describe. I love you with everything I am, and will be in the future. You are my everything, and I never not want you in my life. Therefor I promise you my world." He said kissing your hand and placing a beautiful silver bracelet onto your wrist.

J A C K J - You were at your house on Christmas morning watching your little brother open his presents when there was a nock on the door. You opened it and in ran this cute little lab puppy. You picked the dog up and saw that there was a note attached to the dog. You opened it up and a beautiful rose gold ring with diamonds around it fell into your hands. The note read, "I love you (Y/F/N), I know this may sound cliché but you are my world. I want you forever just the way you are. And we have discussed our future and our dreams and I hope this promise ring makes up for it until it's time to get married." You looked up and there was a smiling Jack to put the ring on your finger.

J A C K G - You and Jack were at a wedding, everything happy as can be. But that was the moment Jack realized that he wanted you forever. After the couples dance the rest of the people got to join in for a slow dance. You and Jack went up and you fell into his strong arms. His mouth was so close to your ear, you could feel his heart pumping. "I promise you that I will never leave you. I love you with everything I am. I could never leave you. This, you, mean too much for me to ever leave." He said whispering into your ear and leaving a kiss on your forehead.

A A R O N - You and Aaron were having a picnic in a field. Wild tall growing grass surrounded you, and you loved it. Aaron was right there to make you laugh and enjoy everything. He stopped joking around and started to look serious. "I love your smile, and your laugh, it makes me glow inside. I want you to know that I promise I will be with you until I no longer can. I promise you everything I have to give you and more. I love you." Aaron said pulling a beautiful custom made pandora ring out of his pocket and gave it to you as a promise ring.

S H A W N - Shawn much like everyone would think, sung a song for you in stage. He knew it was cliché, but he knew just how much you loved when he sung. So he sung you the song that he shared with you on your first date, none of the fans knew it but you knew every word. At the end the guards bright you up to the stage and Shawn have you your own custom made guitar and promised you lessons. He gave you a sweet passionate kiss in front of everyone showing the crowd how much you mean to him.


This was my first publish after I found out I have 2.02k votes and 100.21k reads!

I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you. I wouldn't be anywhere without you guys. I love you all so much!

- M o e

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